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  1. mochajoe

    How much hay do your rabbits eat?

    My bunnies have access to hay 24/7. I also have horses and I just grab hay at the barn when I need I am not sure how long a 65# bale will last you. My guess would be well beyond the time when they should be switched a to Timothy or mixed hay.
  2. mochajoe

    I'm a Believer! and I have questions

    I am not a breeder...but my daughter showed some of her bunnies for awhile. She is very shy and uncomfortable around people she doesn't know. This was a way to get her out of her shell...using something she loves and is very knowledgeable about. As part of this, we joined a local bunny club and...
  3. mochajoe

    Equine Fresh bedding?

    I don't like the TSC brand either....TSC used to carry the Equine Pine which I LOVED!!!! I complain every time I go in Tractor Supply....hoping they will start carrying it again. I use Equine pelleted bedding from the grain store it much better just not sure of the brand name. Will...
  4. mochajoe

    Best rabbit litter?

    I use any brand of Horse pellet bedding......I have found that it works the best and is the most cost effective. I figure if it works for my 1100 pound horse, it will work for my 3-5 pound bunnies! LOL
  5. mochajoe

    Affectionate Bunnies?

    My Mocha...a Holland Lop was the best mother's day present ever.....and the sweetest most cuddliest bunny EVER!!! One of my favorites....I was pregnant with my fourth child...I fell asleep on the couch and Mocha fell asleep on my baby belly! I lost him last year....and he is missed every day...
  6. mochajoe

    A two for one question

    I would suggest confining him to a cage or a very small area and allow him time to use the litter box consistently and regularly. Once this has been established....then let him out for increasingly longer periods of time. I am guessing that he has never been in a "free" situation and needs to...
  7. mochajoe


    Spaying and neutering eliminates hormonal issues as well as health issues previously mentioned. We just lost our beloved mini lop Carrot to testicular cancer a couple months ago. He was my daughter's show bunny....he was older when he stopped showing...he was a super sweet boy and at his older...
  8. mochajoe

    age related behaviors?

    I am not an expert....but I have had bunnies live to be much older....and their activity did not decrease that much nearer to the end of their lives. Years ago, wise vet said to us when we lost our collie at 9yrs old, they are like people....some people are "old" at 70 and some are "old" at 90...
  9. mochajoe

    How to measure leafy veggies

    We are all in the same boat...LOL I will say, have read several articles and a few recently in Rabbits or Rabbits USA magazines and the "packed" has been used numerous based on those articles...a packed cup sounds appropriate. I have 3 babies at various ages...2 are not old enough...
  10. mochajoe

    Ideas to curb this behavior?

    Unfortunately, like people, some bunnies are more hormonal than others....we have had several does and one was very similar to what you are describing. She was not fixed as she was one of my daughter's show bunnies. It is too bad spays are very expensive in your area....spaying would greatly...
  11. mochajoe

    You know you're obsessed with rabbits when...

    These are hilarious!!!!
  12. mochajoe

    Is my bunny tri colored? coloration questions.

    Here is a more recent picture of my Harlequin...Reeses!
  13. mochajoe

    Is my bunny tri colored? coloration questions.

    Thank you OakRidgeRabbits! I love learning new information! I have the Harlequin (my icon photo) who is a Holland....He is a little over six months, very small and does not really have the typical Holland face (now that he is older) Then we also have the tri that I was referring to in my posts...
  14. mochajoe

    New Bunny!

  15. mochajoe

    Favorite breeds?

    I have had mini lops, fuzzy lops and Holland lops and a DutchXlop..yes I have a thing for lops! We currently have 4 Holland lops....I am biased, prejudice and completely in love with Hollands and I will never own anything else again! In my experience (and my opinion) Hollands are sweet...
  16. mochajoe

    Cheap spay?

    In my experience with ALL my animals....cheaper does not necessarily mean bad. I have goats, horses, bunnies, chickens, dog, cat....I have one vet for the bunnies and another vet for all the other animals.....they both have the cheaper rates than most of the other vets...however...they are both...
  17. mochajoe

    Is my bunny tri colored? coloration questions.

    I think you may have to wait a little longer to know for sure if he is a Holland or a Mini...Hollands are generally 3-4 pounds and minis are usually 4-6 pounds! Having said that....Funfetti, our tri is a mutant....she is 100% Holland lop however she looks more like a mini....her ears are longer...
  18. mochajoe

    Spaying question

    We successfully had a neutered male with an unspayed female....he was a pet and she was a show bunny which is why she was not spayed. I would second some of what others have said...keep them in close proximity to each other after the surgery....take something that smells like Embry with Elena to...
  19. mochajoe

    I love bunnies.......

    Love the stickers!!! Will have to keep my eyes out for them....too cute! With all my would take up the whole window! LOL!!!