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  1. mochajoe

    Sudden Death - 4 out of 5 gone - what is it?

    I am so sorry for your loss! I know from experience that sometimes no matter what you do, and how well you take care of your furry friends tragedy can happen...we recently lost 4 baby goats in 4 months...all fluke things; 2 to a poisoness plant (they got loose and got into our flower bed), 1...
  2. mochajoe

    Don't feed rabbits lettuce?

    As a long time owner of bunnies, horses, goats, dogs...feeding our furry, four legged friends is truly one of the great debates! I have learned that we follow "general" guidelines, HOWEVER, what works for one MAY NOT work for another! For example, the horse I had growing up was a very "hard"...
  3. mochajoe

    Dutch and Holland Lop had babies

    Super super cute!!!
  4. mochajoe

    Golden Wood cat litter

    I would suspect that the wood pellet litter is non clumping. The clumping litters are all clay based. I am not an expert, but with all the different wood pellets that I have used feline, equine and regular wood...that they contain any clay! Good luck!
  5. mochajoe

    Golden Wood cat litter

    I used to use the cat pellet litter before I got back into horses and discovered Equine Pellets at Tractor Supply! I highly recommend and second what agnesthelion said, go to a feed store or home improvement store....they work great and cost significantly less...good luck!!!
  6. mochajoe

    Favorite breed?

    Hollands are my favorite....but I love all lops....I just love bunnies....but floppy ears rule in my book!!!!
  7. mochajoe

    My rabbit is frustrating xD

    My experience with having pet bunnies off and on over the past 22 years.....some bunnies are diggers and some not so much....just like some are chewers and some are not! I have a bunny he NEVER chewed on anything....then another who chewed on EVERYTHING!!! I have had the same experience with...
  8. mochajoe

    Spraying female-->Spayed-->Non spraying??

    I think that is one of the most frustrating things....I have had several male bunnies and one whom was never neutered as he was a show bunny and he NEVER sprayed....none of my males before they were neutered sprayed either. I think I would be a little more understanding if it was one of my boys...
  9. mochajoe

    Spraying female-->Spayed-->Non spraying??

    So I have a dilemma...I have a 3 1/2 month old Holland Lop (who is almost the size of a mini lop) and she is a horrific sprayer! It is VERY hard to have a "sprayer" who lives in your living room! She has always been an indoor bunny as she was born in my friend's classroom at school AND we live...
  10. mochajoe

    They're here!!! Finally some Polish babies! :-)

    Very cute... Partial to blues...and brokens! We currently have a blue tort and a blue fawn harlequin...Holland lops! In the past we have had 4 brokens! We don't do babies but we LOVE living through others and watching them grow! So fun!
  11. mochajoe

    Post Spay

    I am not an expert either, however, I did work at a vet clinic for a year...and as Erinmoveit said, every bunny reacts differently to anesthesia and pain differently...just like people do. Secondly, spays are far more invasive than neuters, which in term makes bouncing back take longer! The fact...
  12. mochajoe

    Purina alfalfa hay

    My guess it is that it is Purina's version of the chopped hay like I yes, I am sure that it is messy. However, it is wonderful for some horses :) you could try posting it on Craigslist partial bag etc... Worth a try!
  13. mochajoe

    Purina alfalfa hay

    Does it look like hay that has been chopped up into small (like 2-3 inch) pieces? If so, it is packaged that way on it is easier for older horses or horses with teeth problems to chew and digest. Again, if in fact that is what it is (Blue Seal/Kent also has versions of this) it is...
  14. mochajoe

    Name ideas while i wait!

    No doubt about it, waiting is rough!!! Hang in there! As for a name, my first thought when I saw her creamy orange face...Butterscotch Good Luck!
  15. mochajoe

    How Many Bunnies?

    The most we have had is 5, however, 3 of them at the time were my daughter's show bunnies...and two were pets. Until Saturday when my daughter's pet bunny passed away (illness), we had 4. We had two other beloved pet bunnies pass away last summer and one last fall (old age). We currently have a...
  16. mochajoe

    Cage can't be on the floor...

    My cages are all up off the floor as I live in a very old sometimes drafty there any way you could make a ramp or little steps so your bunny can have access to the cage?
  17. mochajoe

    Dutch and Holland Lop had babies

    They are cute that is for sure!!! As for the lop ears for some you may not know for awhile! Our little guy Cheerios is a Holland lop and we got him at 8 wks. His ears were up...and it took at least a couple of weeks after that before he looked like a lop! I know the breeder and saw both his...
  18. mochajoe


    May you rest in peace sweet girl! My 13 yr old rescued her from a bunny show several years ago! She just needed somebody to love her! Caramel was always skittish...but she loved Eliana and she trusted her! Bless your little soul!
  19. mochajoe

    Frustrated with females spraying!!!

    Thank you for sharing....I have not tried this with Funfetti....however with our old female (deceased now) it didn't matter where we put her....different rooms in the house....the male in the house and her in the barn....I will try moving her and pray that makes a difference!