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  1. mochajoe


    Cheerios thinks my daughter is "his" and he bites her...he has even peed on her a few times! The other night , he bit her hard enough to leave a mark! Cheerios was neutered long enough ago, that I don't think hormones are an issue as he was neutered on March 13th, over 2 months ago! I also...
  2. mochajoe


    We are at our wits end!!! Here's the situation in a nutshell...we got our bunny, Cheerios, from a reputable breeder (all 5 of our bunnies are from her) at. 8 weeks old...he was the sweetest, most wonderful bunny...and THEN we had him neutered! He got a slight infection following his surgery...
  3. mochajoe

    Getting em Fixed

    The biggest factor in having a male bunny neutered is whether or not their testicles have dropped! My Reeses had the go ahead to be neutered at a little over 3 months...Cheerios on the other hand was over 5 months! The weight issue is more for females as spaying is more invasive. I felt very...
  4. mochajoe

    Sudden increase in chewing

    In my the past 20+ years of having bunnies, that some bunnies are just chewers! For example 2 bunnies we had for several years, Carrot and Mocha...Mocha NEVER chewed on anything he wasn't supposed to...Carrot on the other hand would chew on EVERYTHING!! One of my bunnies I have...
  5. mochajoe

    Your buns FAVORITE veggie/fruit dish?

    Reeses just likes FOOD!!! His favorite staple is cilantro and his favorite once in a while treats...banana, pineapple or craisins! Cheerios LOVES his pellets LOL and he likes chickory and Cheerios! Funfetti likes just about anything EXCEPT cilantro! And Pretzel isn't old enough to have veggies...
  6. mochajoe

    Where to Buy Litter?!?! Ontario, Canada

    Do you have a grain/feed store around your area? Horse stall pellets is what I use (like wood pellets) it is very well for the odor...and can usually be purchased anywhere grain is sold. Good luck!!!
  7. mochajoe

    cage cleaner?

    With having house bunnies for over 20 years, the BEST and CHEAPEST is definitely vinegar!!! Great stuff!
  8. mochajoe

    Feeding regime, am I giving the right stuff?

    I think the best judge of how our 4 legged (and some two legged) family members are doing with their them! If she is a good weight, good coat, acting satisfied and happy...then it is very likely that she is getting all she needs! As for the papaya/pineapple debate....tha is just...
  9. mochajoe


    He is a male bunny, being a male bunny! However, having said that, IN THE OVER 20 yrs that I have had bunnies, my WORST sprayers have all been females!!! They were champion sprayers and sprayed EVERYTHING! Most recently, our 6 1/2 month old female...once she was spayed a month and a half ago...
  10. mochajoe


    I read somewhere on RO, that someone else who had a velveteen, that it was more standoff ish and not as friendly as lops tend to be. I think sometimes, like with designer dogs, it takes a while to work out the "kinks" my guess is, designer bunnies are probably the same way...I wish you the best...
  11. mochajoe

    Bunny Fun

    Here are our other two....Cheerios is the blue tort.....he is a character! Funfetti is our tri color....she is a sweet girl! Neither of them are very photogenic...but you all get the idea! I am SOOOO crazy about my bunnies! Just glad I found Rabbits Online so the I have a group of people I can...
  12. mochajoe

    Questions on Neutering a Flemish Giant

    Given my experiences, I will ALWAYS have my bunnies spayed or neutered! First off, I think if you have a bunny, like our female Holland Lop (spayed a little over a month ago) who is a hopping hormone then spaying changes their behavior! She is a joy to be around, has not sprayed since her...
  13. mochajoe

    Bunny Fun

    Not sure if there is a better place for this....but just having fun with bunnies...taking photos and just wanted to share! We love our bunnies! Reeses is a 7 month old Blue Fawn Harlequin Holland Lop and a "mama's boy" all the way! Pretzel is a 10 week old Chocolate Harlequin Holland Lop...
  14. mochajoe

    Happy birthday Ash!

    Birthdays are the best! HOPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
  15. mochajoe

    Feline Pine

    Is it the feline pine, wood pellets type litter? I used feline pine wood pellets for quite a while without issues, until I discovered that Equine Pellets work just as well, if not better and are FAR cheaper! Like $5-$7 for a forty pound bag vs. $25 for a smaller sized bag!
  16. mochajoe

    Just got my girl spayed today

    I just had my little girl spayed a month ago and we were advised to keep her confined and low key for ten days....if I were you, I would keep them in the set up you described and then put them together when the 1 days are up. With your awesome set up, they can see and smell each other. I don't...
  17. mochajoe

    Hello from a holland!

    Welcome! I am the happy owner of 4 Holland Lops!!! I think they are the best!!! Again, welcome to kids an I like to call it, Bunnybook!!! LOL
  18. mochajoe

    Ahem. Aaaaaaaaaa *deep breath* aaaaah!!

    I am so glad that everything went so well and that your bunny is fine! It is over now...but just wanted to share a couple of things with you! You are NOT the only one who has had anxiety over having a bunny spayed or neutered...the vet's office where my bunnies have gone...I have known for...
  19. mochajoe

    having an issue with litter box training...

    How old is he? Is he neutered? In my experience some of my bunnies have been far more challenging to litter train...once they were spayed/neutered 100% better about! The absolute WORST, was our female, now 6 1/2 months old, was spayed 3 week ago...and now she is METICULOUS about using her litter...
  20. mochajoe

    Really frustrated with my Rabbit :(

    I agree with you completely! However, I have read comments about low cost spay/neuter and something like you get what you pay for...I was very surprised by that given so many shelters are inandated with bunnies that require being spayed or neutered! Inaddition, I feel the same way...both for...