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  1. Kate7654

    Should I decrease pellets for my rabbits?

    There both 3.
  2. Kate7654

    Should I decrease pellets for my rabbits?

    Thanks so much!
  3. Kate7654

    Is getting another rabbit a bad idea?

    A buck and a buck hardly ever get along. A buck and a doe do great if there spayed and neutered. A doe and a doe do well if they are sisters or introduced from a very young age or if they are both spayed. Hope this helps!
  4. Kate7654

    Is getting another rabbit a bad idea?

    It’s really hard to bond two unspayed rabbits if they didn’t grow up together. I personally wouldn’t without spaying. It’s the same in my area too. Spaying is so expensive but it’s worth it. I wouldn’t try bonding the two without spaying.
  5. Kate7654

    Introducing a older rabbit to hay.

    Ok thanks surprisingly they are both eating hay just fine. Now I’m wondering if I should cut back on the pellets they are fed a third of a cup now.
  6. Kate7654

    Should I decrease pellets for my rabbits?

    Ok thanks about how much if I’m giving unlimited hay?
  7. Kate7654

    Should I decrease pellets for my rabbits?

    So I got two new rabbits. At their old home all they are are were pellets. They are holland lops and got a third of a cup of pellets a day. I am starting to feed them unlimited hay now which they really seem to like. Should I cut back on pellets or not?
  8. Kate7654

    Introducing a older rabbit to hay.

    She is just fed pellets now. Thanks!
  9. Kate7654

    Introducing a older rabbit to hay.

    I just got a new rabbit from a breeder and she doesn’t feed hay to her rabbits. I’m wondering how would I start to introduce hay to her?
  10. Kate7654

    Help! Can I breed an orange holland lop to a broken black tort holland lop?

    I’m wondering if I can breed an orange Holland lop with a broken black tort holland lop. The orange is the buck and he carries dilute and chocolate. Both of his parents were orange/chocolate harlequins. I haven’t gotten the doe’s pedigree yet. If I did breed these two what might I get? Thanks!