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  1. Kate7654

    Help! I dropped my rabbit.

    Two days ago I picked up my rabbit Bella after playtime to put her back in her cage. She flailed and jump out of my arms and landed and her back. She fell about 4 feet. After that she hopped away just fine. She’s been hopping all normal running around like crazy and completely being herself...
  2. Kate7654

    What could I get breeding to black tort HL together?

    so I have one broken black tort doe Bella and one solid black tort doe Benny. Bred them together and Bella’s due in about two weeks and I was wondering if I could get anything other than black and broken black torts? Both of them have on parent being solid black so I was wondering if there was...
  3. Kate7654

    Is my holland lop a false dwarf?

    I have two holland lop rabbits. My doe Bella is slightly over 4 pounds. She’s like 4 1/2 pounds. She has long ears to. I just bred her to a for sure true dwarf buck Benny. I would be certain she’s a false dwarf except that her old owner who bred her twice said that in her first litter she had a...
  4. Kate7654

    Rabbits afraid of dog.

    Thanks so much!
  5. Kate7654

    Rabbits afraid of dog.

    Sadly they can’t come inside. My parents are very against it. I have talked to my neighbors and there not going to let it happen again. I just want my buns and my dog to be friends again like they used to be.
  6. Kate7654

    Rabbits afraid of dog.

    So I have two holland lops that before this incident we’re perfectly happy with me and my dog (who would never ever hurt them) coming out to feed them and give them exercise. But one of my neighbors dogs keeps getting out and barking and scratching at the hutch which is so frustrating. And now...
  7. Kate7654

    Happy in their hutches?

    Both of mine love their hutches. There spacious like yours big enough to binky and flop. I always let them out for awhile and there perfectly happy to run back in the hutch and lay down for awhile. I think as long as you let them out for a few hours it’s fine.
  8. Kate7654

    Can I move a pregnant doe?

    Thanks I was really hoping I could.
  9. Kate7654

    Meet Bella, Benny, Midnight, and me

    Hi, they are outdoor buns but they have a large warm hutch and a run that they can access all the time. I don’t think they mind living outside. I give them tons of attention. The Bella and Midnight live together. Benny lives alone.
  10. Kate7654

    Can I move a pregnant doe?

    I have a doe that’s just turned 3. She hasn’t been breed in 7 months. I live in Minnesota and winters are so cold and my rabbits stay in the garage in the winter witch keeps adults warm enough but not young kits. I would like to Breed my doe before winter sets in but, we are switching her into a...
  11. Kate7654

    Meet Bella, Benny, Midnight, and me

    Hi, I’m Katelyn. I’ve been looking around on RO and posting a few questions but, I realized I haven’t introduced myself. I have two holland lops. One is a broken tort her name is Bella. And the other is a Black tort and his name is Benny. I also have and 8 year old blue mini lop. Her name is...
  12. Kate7654

    Is this rabbit diarrhea?

    I just talked to my vet. They said that it’s probably just the pellets and all I have to do is slowly lower the pellets and up the hay and that it’s no big deal. I’m so happy I got a hold of her I feel so much better. Thanks so much for all of your help to.
  13. Kate7654

    Is this rabbit diarrhea?

    I know that they were given purina complete rabbit chow.
  14. Kate7654

    Is this rabbit diarrhea?

    Ok thanks so much. It’s a lot smaller than dog poop. It’s more like the circleish area at the top is the size of a quarter. Sorry for the confusion.
  15. Kate7654

    Is this rabbit diarrhea?

    My vet can’t see me until Saturday and there is now one else around who sees rabbits. Is this super urgent? Is there anything I can do until then?
  16. Kate7654

    Is this rabbit diarrhea?

    Ok I know of a rabbit vet I could talk to. All she ever ate before were pellets. I haven’t introduced anything new except for hay yet. I plan to introduce veggies but I thought I’d do hay first and take it one step at a time. Also there were some cecotropes on the wire of her cage. Could she...
  17. Kate7654

    Is this rabbit diarrhea?

    So I just got two new rabbits. They are both 3 years old. One has had bad poops. She had some yesterday and some today around the same time. I’m wondering what I should do about it? She’s also been normal pooping and is acting normal. Still eating drinking and running around. She didn’t get much...
  18. Kate7654

    Should I decrease pellets for my rabbits?

    3 years old. Sorry didn’t think of that. She was selling all her stock before she moved.