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  1. Sissy

    Pinned thread on rvhd?

    Hi Popsicles. Yes that is my understanding too. There does seem some variation in how often vets recommend to have the vaccinations. My vet says every nine months rather than a year. My concern is that people acquire rabbits in all sorts of ways, often on impulse, without prior experience. I...
  2. Sissy

    Pinned thread on rvhd?

    Hi. I am in the UK where rvhd 1 and 2 are a real worry. My vets posted recently on Facebook that there had been rvhd cases in our local area. There still seems a lot of confusion among owners about which vaccinations are needed to protect our rabbits from these horrible diseases. Does anyone...
  3. Sissy

    Spine has become protruding

    I am very sad for you and your lovely Bunster.
  4. Sissy

    Lost both bunnies today

    That's awful. Really sorry.
  5. Sissy

    How stressful are rabbits really?

    I am sorry you have experienced bad luck with animals. It is so upsetting when things go wrong, but we just have to do the best we can. We are all learning, all the time.
  6. Sissy

    Alyssa's Bunny Blog!

    You sound like you're just wonderful with your rabbits, Alyssa. Hope all continues to go well.
  7. Sissy

    How stressful are rabbits really?

    I was thinking of pet insurance actually. You just have to be so careful about what different policies do or don't cover. I never had it for my dogs and was lucky there weren't many big bills. Sometimes I have been in the bank and heard people say they're paying into their dog's savings account...
  8. Sissy

    How stressful are rabbits really?

    I am glad it's not just me!
  9. Sissy

    How stressful are rabbits really?

    Samoth, watching animals is so absorbing and I totally understand the stress relief aspect. I am probably worrying overly much. I get so attached, you see. I have identified a good rabbit vet half an hour's drive away. I am lucky to have one so close, I guess, although hppfeully won't need to be...
  10. Sissy

    Loose rabbit in the park

    Well done on catching that rabbit. Your patience and persistence won through. I do hope he picks up with good care and attention, and finds a happy home with nice people.
  11. Sissy

    How stressful are rabbits really?

    Hi Thumperina. I am in UK and believe me the garage never gets too hot! When we had a heatwave last summer I kept going into the garage to cool off! One reason I am favouring the garage is that the temperature is more consistent in there than anywhere else. No real extremes of heat or cold...
  12. Sissy

    Wood enclosures and chewing?

    I also had one that managed to chew bits from a plastic cage even though he was only ever in it overnight. It was really thick robust plastic too! He worried me to death! With plastic it was hard to fix anything over the areas he chewed. I got him into a wooden shed after that. He still chewed...
  13. Sissy

    Nala's tell-all blog! Quad-bonding and more! Nala, Alice, Harley Quinn and Barnaby (aka Big Bunny).

    Happy anniversary, belatedly. Life certainly sounds eventful in your household!
  14. Sissy

    Alyssa's Bunny Blog!

    Beautiful bunnies! I look forward to hearing all about the bunny dates.
  15. Sissy

    Owning a hare type rabbit

    Is it best to have Belgian Hares together with other Belgian Hares? Or are there other rabbit breeds they are particularly compatible with? Or incompatible with? Just curious...
  16. Sissy

    Grassy mats

    Jenny, it is not so far from braiding ropes to making mats, in my opinion! If you look at those rush mats for humans they are just a long braided rope coiled round and round. They are usually stitched together though, which could be a problem. Well, I'm sure I will figure it out when I have time...
  17. Sissy

    One leg paralysed and incontinent after spay

    Poor little mite, I do feel for you all. Fingers and everything crossed for your bun.
  18. Sissy

    Owning a hare type rabbit

    There is something captivating about Belgian Hares. I see them advertised now and then by breeders, but I am in UK. I would love one myself, but circumstances aren't right for one just yet. I am also a person of endless patience when it comes to animals. With people, not so much!
  19. Sissy

    Goodbye Boris

    Eleven is a magnificent age. What a lovely companion you had for all those years. Sorry you have lost him now.
  20. Sissy

    Arland crossed the rainbow Bridge, I'm so devastated

    He looks so sweet sitting in his crate. Very sad for you.