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  1. iluvmybuns

    No Reunion?

    Pepsi and Ozzy stayed at Haley's fora week. They didn't care that I came to get them, nor did they want to leave her house AT ALL. Haha. Then I got the butt a few times after we got home. They came around when I busted out the Craisins;) (Maybe cause Haley doesn't have tarantulas in her...
  2. iluvmybuns

    Is Ozzy sick?

    I might be paranoid but here's the scoop: 1.Ozzy is shedding A LOT more than usual 2.He is sneezing really loud like 3 or 4 times in a row every hour or so 3.Pepsi was humping him last night(she has NEVER done that) (heard that could mean something's wrong with him) Ozzy is acting...
  3. iluvmybuns


    Yep I need one. NEEED not just want. UHM are they illegal in MI? One piece of info I failed to find on the internets Not like anyone would know if I had one........... Can't you pet them if they trust you?
  4. iluvmybuns

    Update: Wiggles' Surgery

    I just want to say, that I read all the posts about Wiggles (cute name btw) and I didn't know enough about the issue to respond. BUT now I feel I can say this because I know it's true: You are an amazingperson,and it is so touching to see how much you cared and how much energy you put into...
  5. iluvmybuns

    Shoot me

    I wish my apt was infested with buttons instead of tarantulas:(But that is pretty funny. I think I am going to move back in with my parents until I can save enough for a downpayment on a house. It is so crappy going back after being out on my own for over a year, but, I can think of it as "I...
  6. iluvmybuns

    Cage bottoms

    I use the plastic floor mats too. It works really well I just wish there were walls so the hay didn't go everywhere. It is very easy to clean tho.
  7. iluvmybuns

    Oh MY GOD - humping

    Okay noone was bleeding when I got home. I let them out in the living room and there were no issues although I made them go back in the bedroom after a few minutes. Thanks everyone, and now I feel better about taking them to Sara's
  8. iluvmybuns

    Oh MY GOD - humping

    Okay well we made it through the night. Noone got hurt. Who knows maybe they do it all the time and that's the first time I ever saw it? All I know is that the living room is off limits for a bit. It's too bad this is happening because they have to take a little vacation at Auntie Sara's for...
  9. iluvmybuns

    Oh MY GOD - humping

    No they were just doing it in the living room. They are fine in the bedroom. He seemed like he was fine with it he never reacted to her aggresively at all. He ran away a few times though and she followed but, i mean, they are totally like it never happened now. I'm so confused. :?They've been...
  10. iluvmybuns

    Oh MY GOD - humping

    Ok Ozzy is shedding like CRAZY but he is acting normal and isn't hurt. Is that a possible reason?
  11. iluvmybuns

    Oh MY GOD - humping

    Okay I'm freakin out you guys. Should I seperate them for the night? I leave them alone in the bedroom. I went to check on them and she's laying down and he's eating hay. I'll go see if Oz looks normal. He's acting fine and she is the dominant one anyway, but I'll make sure he isn't hurt. I'm...
  12. iluvmybuns

    Oh MY GOD - humping

    Pepsi keeps humping Ozzy!!!!! She's been spayed for months and he's neutered but what the heck is going on???????? They;ve never done this. He just takes it like a champ and runs away aftera minute and she chases him and keeps at it. Weird?!!?! I just don't understand and I don't want him to...
  13. iluvmybuns

    Shoot me

    Thanks guys. Spiders suck:(
  14. iluvmybuns

    anyone have a tattoo??

    Unfortunately Oz ate my cord for the camera, so pics are impossible. Yeah i was brave, the eyeliner was terrifying but well worth it. No more football player black lines under my eyes after a rough night.....
  15. iluvmybuns

    Shoot me

    SO.... I moved into this apartment in March and it was all so wonderful. Beautiful, tucked away in the woods........... Then I disovered the tarantulas(not really but close) I have ENORMOUS spiders here. Not exaggerating. If I put it on top of a soda can, the legs would hang over the side...
  16. iluvmybuns

    anyone have a tattoo??

    I have 4: 1. A bumble bee on my hip 2. A chinese symbol on my lower abdomin 3. A HUGE one reading "Some leave us too soon but they never leave at all" (It was a memorial tattoo) It's on my whole left side of my torso 4. My eyeliner...yeah, it hurt, haha, but not that bad. Of course...
  17. iluvmybuns

    Exercise Ideas

    Oh yes mine figured that out too. They chewed the lining from the bottom and crawled up into the back of the couch. It was an awful feeling because I was sure one of them was going to get stuck and I wouldn't be able to help. (mine is a regular couch) What I did is this: Stapled that 4"...
  18. iluvmybuns


    YAAAAAAY I'm having a little party for you in my head. That is soooo exciting!!! :bunnydance::bunnydance:
  19. iluvmybuns

    Hay Hogs Anyone?

    OMG Haley you are so right Ozzy is only 4 lbs but he eats SO MUCH HAY it's ridiculous. I got about a1/4 of a bale and it lasted 30 days. That's crazy. And Pepsi is just a nibbler she eats less than normal I think. If anyone has stomach problems, it WON'T be Oz.
  20. iluvmybuns

    Overcrowding in Sheboygan, WI

    I NEEEEED him oh my god. Seriously why is he so cute?