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  1. iluvmybuns

    I love the Furminator!

    Me too me too!! I got the smallest one, and it works amazingly. I could make pillows
  2. iluvmybuns

    Do I need to bring her?

    Yeah when Ozzy was really sick and we went to the vet twice I brought her and she seemed to comfort him the whole time. It was really cute. They knew exactly what was going on.
  3. iluvmybuns

    Bonded pair - mounting

    Mine did that when I moved furniture around... Bonded for almost 4 months and it had never happened before. I'm sure your situation is because of the move. However I thought it was because I rearranged furniture. Someone suggested that the bunny being mounted may be ill, and it turned out...
  4. iluvmybuns

    Phinn and Cleo - The Dynamic Duo

    OMG Sylvie they are the cutest couple!!!! I LOVE the pic where their ears are on eachother!! Too sweet:biggrin2:
  5. iluvmybuns

    Oh no!

    The bun at the shelter I'm in love with has an abcess on his eye. Poor baby I hope they take care of it I wrote it on the sheet. He is Ozzy's twin. They have the exact same face and almost coloring:(I want to take him home and make him better
  6. iluvmybuns

    Midwest Rabbit Rescue needs some help

    Haley I work Friday and Saturday. Depending on when you bring them maybe I can give you a hand. I'm going there tomorrow, need me to start making room.......hahaha. I wish you went Monday mornings too, half the time I'm alone:( I want a baby so bad. My buns would hate me though.
  7. iluvmybuns

    want to get to know you

    Okay I'll go next. My name is Julia I'm 22 and a hairdresser/manager of a salon. I haved lived alone (but my bf stays here everynight) since March in this terrible spider-ridden apartment:grumpy: I have never had pets that were "mine" besides a gerbil named Meatballs(my sister's was...
  8. iluvmybuns

    Midwest Rabbit Rescue needs some help

    Oh man Haley haha, sorry you have been taken over bybuns!! You know this is NOT GOOD right? Cause I am going to go into the shelter next Monday, and there they will be. And I will feed them and pet them and take them home, haha. Still no more buns til I get a bigger place, you know how Ozzy...
  9. iluvmybuns

    Does anyone elses' bunns go crazy?

    You must be a verrrrrry good bun owner:biggrin2:Binkies are the best to watch aren't they?? My friends always die laughing when Ozzy runs out in the living room, binkies, and runs back into the room
  10. iluvmybuns

    Switching to hay cubes

    :yeahthat: The airfilter didn't completely take it away but it helped A LOT
  11. iluvmybuns

    Caged or not?

    Pepsi and Ozzy have a cage, and they like it, so I wouldn't get rid of it. But they never get shut in. They have my room all day and the rest of the apartment when I get home. (Too many cords out here) And there are 2-3 days a week I don't work at all so they are out here a LOT. I love to...
  12. iluvmybuns

    Brain Teasers

    WOW I really AM an idiot! My friends keep telling me but I didn't believe it til now.... Good thing all you need is a 9th grade education to be a hairdresser huh?...
  13. iluvmybuns

    surface piercings

    okiron wrote: Yeppp me too on both. Go for it, my teeth never got bothered from my tongue ring and I stretched mine so I could stick a drinking straw through it. It was huge and I never had any problems. Plus I never let me parents see it. If it rejects oh well, they told me my bottom...
  14. iluvmybuns

    Meet Galaxy

    YAY congrats!! I'm glad they got along so well to start! It's funny that the girls he didn't like but the boy and him got along great. I'm so happy for you and the buns!! I know he'll love his new home! P.S. I love the names for your pets!!
  15. iluvmybuns

    Now what?

    Well the giant amount of pellets didn't seem to do too much damage, Ozzy is actually looking a lot better. AND I found a few little rock hard mini poops, but they're poops none the less!!! The increase in meds and fluids mustve helped a lot. My baby seems to be getting better!!! Hopefully he is...
  16. iluvmybuns

    Now what?

    Well they picked the worst night to completely destroy the cage and in doing so knock the container with pellets on the floor and eat waaaay too many. I almost had a heart attack this morning when I found it. They both seem fine and Ozzy is really alert this morning, but I hope that doesn't...
  17. iluvmybuns

    Now what?

    I hope Chippy gets better soon too poor little babies with messed up bellies
  18. iluvmybuns

    Now what?

    Hmmm thats a good idea Katie if it doesn't just seperate. Thanks Amy, we need it over here. I'm crazy with no sleep and a sick bunny and Pepsi is a wreck too, she takes after her momma. We aren't out of the woods but I think we might be heading in a good direction And I keep forgetting...
  19. iluvmybuns

    Switching to hay cubes

    Okay so I have heard that the cubes aren't as good for the buns, is that true? Because if it's the same, I'd like to switch or at least do half and half. My poor boyfriend is super allergic to the hay too I don't remember hearing why but I remember hearing it somewhere
  20. iluvmybuns

    Really nervous

    I'm with everyone else, I don't think they can do that. BUT if someone DID find out, you say your friend brought it to you unannounced and you are taking it to the humane society and they can come back and check in a few days. And mysteriously....all the bunny stuff will be...