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  1. Michaela

    I rescued my rabbits from my burning townhouse...

    Oh my god! :shock: Wow! You were so brave to do that, thank god they are all ok! Are YOU ok?:hug: Any lasting damage? Hopefully Spank will come around soon. I don't really know what to say, this could have turned out so bad..
  2. Michaela


    If you have any good rescues or shelters near you, you'd be able to find out about the rabbit's personality in advance, and find the one that's perfect for you. There is no guarantee of any personality traits in a particular breed. Also, if you get a baby rabbit it's personality could change as...
  3. Michaela

    Britain's Got Talent!

    I didn't get to see it until today but it was a good show! I don't have a favourite yet, I liked Flawless but expect to see better than them. Hopefully we'll actually get a credible winner this year! I was glad there weren't too many singers, annoys me so much when singers go on BGT - that's...
  4. Michaela

    Hi! New Here!

    Welcome to RO Emily!
  5. Michaela


    Aww she's so pretty! Rose is a lovely name! :D
  6. Michaela

    Last rabbit to get spayed

    I would as for them to let you leave Lint there too, seems like the best option. Hope all goes well!
  7. Michaela

    My Lawn...

    Ours is the same, where the poop is the grass won't grow back for ages, they do it all in the one spot. I guess a sensible thing to do would be to put a litter tray out there but I've never bothered with that. Our garden is absolutely covered in holes though, Ebony and Ruby LOVE to dig! I...
  8. Michaela

    So we have a new kid goat, (photos) and 3 new lambs.....

    Aww adorable! :D I don't think I've ever met a goat, fed little lambs but never goats.
  9. Michaela

    Ahhh it must be the alcohol

    Wow what a terrible start to her Birthday! Glad it turned out better though. :) But I'm not surprised, I see that every week, last night there were two girls rolling down the stairs literally tearing each others hair out. Not pretty. I'm the same as you, Fran, I don't get violent when I'm drunk...
  10. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    Not a great show this week. Anoop was terrible, that kind of music does not suit him! He should have been out. Megan - terrible song choice but I don't think she deserved to go out, based on what we've heard before. Scott bores me to tears. Danny makes my skin crawl I can't even watch his...
  11. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    I was so happy that Michael went out. :D I'm not really sure what to think of Megan.. she has a unique voice, and of course she's so pretty.. but there is something a bit off about her, maybe she just hasn't had the right song yet. I think the lack of girls could favour her though, I'd imagine...
  12. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    I'm surprised at this bottom 2, well one half of it anyway. Don't really care though. xD Yeah Kara is totally pointless, so is Randy! Simon seems to have got them to incorporate a lot of X Factor things this year.. fourth judge, the whole introduction thing, the possible save..
  13. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    Spring wrote: I'm not one of those girls. :ph34r2 Shame he's gay. :P He's definitely the best by far. :D For me, Danny is wayy over-rated. I don't get him at all. Him, Kris, Michael, Matt, Anoop.. they all blend together for me. Jen, it's on ITV2 on a Thursday about 8.00, with the results on...
  14. Michaela

    American Idol 2009

    I don't think there's a discussion thread this year yet? I'm really enjoying it this year, more so than any other year. Just watched last night's episode online (it's on tonight on ITV2 but I hate their coverage they cut out half of the comments!) Adam is my favourite, he is so so good! I...
  15. Michaela

    Gosh, its getting scary now!!

    I have nine exams in summer. :twitch: Even though I already did three modules in January. Thank God I didn't have to repeat any of them. And of course Physics the last exam, again, I'm in right until the 19th of June, most people finish on the 12th. :X
  16. Michaela

    Gosh, its getting scary now!!

    Mai_Roberts wrote: You will be glad of coursework though later, something you can be confident you're getting loads of marks for. :) That's great you get to do the speaking as a pair, I've never heard of that before, it must take off so much of the pressure having each other. I remember the...
  17. Michaela

    Gosh, its getting scary now!!

    Bunnys_rule63 wrote: I cannot wait to leave school! I still have another year! :( I am sooo excited for uni! Sorry you didn't get an offer for your first choice. :( I probably won't either, QUB is so difficult to get into for Dentistry, so I'll more than likely have to go to England or...
  18. Michaela

    Gosh, its getting scary now!!

    Don't let yourself get too stressed out hun.:hug2: I was there last year, GCSEs are very manageable, not fun at all, and yes they are stressful, but once you get started they really aren't as bad as you think they will be!:) I had nearly 30 exams last year for mine, they lasted right to the end...
  19. Michaela

    Dancing on Ice

    Ray better win. :D I'm sure Colleen will be out now, finally, she was so bad.
  20. Michaela


    Some of you may remember my neighbour's rabbit, Bubbles. Ebony's daddy. He had to be pts tonight. :( Binky free Bubbles. :rainbow: