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  1. Michaela

    Twilight Saga: Eclipse

    I saw it yesterday. I wasn't impressed tbh.. but I didn't expect to be since I think the films have been terrible. I would say this was probably better than New Moon though. Actually.. I guess considering this book, and how like nothing even happens in it, they did quite well to make this film...
  2. Michaela

    The Summer TV Season

    Some of my shows haven't yet finished here; Criminal Minds still has several episodes to go, as does Grey's Anatomy, though I've already watched the rest of it online. I'm going to watch True Blood Season 3 at US pace online, and I think Sky1 may be repeating Season 2 of Fringe - I watched a few...
  3. Michaela

    Are you planning on reading any good books this summer?

    I've just started reading Lord of the Rings. I love the films so thought I had better try the books, liking the first one so far. :) I'll probably re-read the Harry Potter books at some point too, since I do that every summer. Perhaps I should look for something new though.
  4. Michaela

    Help me pick a dress!

    irishbunny wrote: I am now looking at ASOS adding all the dresses I like to the basket, I'll ask my mother if she wants to buy me at least one in the morning! I know what you mean about the sizes though - it's so annoying when you've picked out something you really like and you go to add it...
  5. Michaela

    Help me pick a dress!

    I love number 3, I would say go for it. :) Is it on ASOS? I will have to look! Though I really don't need to be looking at dresses as I am broke! I don't really like buying dresses online though since the fit can be so off, I never know what size to get.
  6. Michaela

    True Blood Tonight!!!

    Watched the first episode - it was really good! Best scene (apart from naked Eric!) was Sam's dream! I was so confused lol! Very funny. I've missed True Blood. Exactly - nothing seems to happen in the books any more. I don't see where she's going with them, and it seems to be like, hmm, what...
  7. Michaela

    True Blood Tonight!!!

    I think I might watch it tonight! :) FX (UK Channel) just finished showing S2, I don't know when they'll get S3. I won't have FX when I go to university anyway, and Channel 4 won't be showing it until the end of next year probably. So I'm gonna watch it online. I've read all 10 books and I...
  8. Michaela

    American Idol!

    I haven't got a clue who I like yet, I never really do at this stage, I need a few weeks of live shows to decide who I like. Wonder who they will replace Simon with next year? Sad he's going but X Factor is a better format so that will be a great show when it starts up too, depending on who the...
  9. Michaela

    Food Diary

    Great idea! :) Today I slept in so I had no breakfast, I've got into the habit of skipping breakfast I must starting having at least a piece of fruit or something. For lunch at school I had a sandwich (wholemeal bread), a plum, and a cup of tea. For dinner I had meat and potatoes, not great but...
  10. Michaela

    its 2010 now

    I'm a little late for New Year but I'm going to start trying to lose weight now. Lent just started so I've gone off all sweets and chocolate so it seems a good time. I'm going on holiday in the Summer and no way would I be comfortable in a bikini right now, but I don't want to crash diet just...
  11. Michaela

    I'm not sure Buddy's breed ...

    Yes, a lop mix though I couldn't say what breeds are in there. She's lovely! :)
  12. Michaela


    I got my belly button pierced yesterday. :) I really want my nose done too, but I'd be made to take it out by my school, maybe I'll get it done in summer since I'm done with school. How long did people wait to change their belly button piercings? I was told 6-9 months, seems a bit long.
  13. Michaela


    Yeah I still play a bit, I've started getting into Subeta lately though, I feel a bit more comfortable there as it's that bit more grown up. Neopets has changed so much. But here's my account if you want a nosey. :)
  14. Michaela

    Anti Virus Software

    I have McAfee - I got 18 months free with my laptop. I'll go back to AVG when it's finished.
  15. Michaela

    X-Factor 2009!!

    I hate SC. He already knows the bottom two results, of course Rachel should have been saved, she was incredible. Lloyd.. words fail me. He is so so so bad. Ok, J&E can't sing very well, but they entertain. Lloyd is no better a singer, and is sooo boring. Lucie to win! I shall keep voting...
  16. Michaela

    It's always something bothering me

    I suffered from it really badly as a young child, thought I got rid of it until earlier this year when it flared up again. :( I have it loads of places but right now it's awful on my left wrist and my right hand, and on the backs of both knees. I think I feel it starting on my eyelids too...
  17. Michaela


    I don't really like Farmville.. never got into it. I am obsessed with Cafe World though. :)
  18. Michaela

    do you perfer a dish or bottle

    I use both. Bottles for Ebony & Ruby, they live in a hutch and are just far too messy to have a bowl. I've tried them before and it's just a disaster. The water is filthy in no time, and they like to tip them over. Both are more than happy with a bottle though and each drink about a full bottle...
  19. Michaela

    The Bunnies You Have Had....

    I've had 5. :) I got Berri, a black Mini Rex, for my 13th Birthday in August 2004. She died in February 2007. Berri had a litter in March 2006, and I kept Pebble (REW) and Ebony (Black). Pebble died in September 2007. I got Maddie, a Chinchilla Lionhead, in 2007. I got Ruby, a REW Lop, in...
  20. Michaela

    X-Factor 2009!!

    Great result - perfect bottom two, Rachel to go next week plz. Delighted that Rikki and the eyebrow are gone! I have to mention that performance last night. The twins. Funniest tv moment of the year, I laughed the whole way through, cannot believe they did the talking bit from the video! I...