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  1. Skip&Piper

    Audible breathing?

    Hmm yes I didn’t really notice the moisture around the nose but now that you mention it I see it, it’s a bit yellowish. I’m wondering what can be done if she’s pregnant .. does that affect if she can have antibiotics at all? Would it be ok to use hay in the nest box instead of straw? I would...
  2. Skip&Piper

    Audible breathing?

    It’s pretty much all the time. It’s most noticeable when she’s eating, or when she’s out playing and she periscopes. When she is resting you can’t really hear it. She does these little sniff/sneeze things pretty often too. I’m wondering if maybe she’s just super pregnant and breathing is hard...
  3. Skip&Piper

    Audible breathing? Hopefully this works!
  4. Skip&Piper

    Audible breathing?

    Hi all, starting a couple days ago, Piper’s breaths have become audible. She could be pregnant and due any day now. Could that be the cause? She has also been sneezing but that seems to happen mostly after the digs in the straw in her nest box. This did seem to start around the same time as we...
  5. Skip&Piper

    Bunny cam! And tips/thoughts wanted.

    Sorry, the link changed!
  6. Skip&Piper

    Rookie mistake... :(

    I have put in the nest box with straw in it! She had made a couple cute looking nests right after I put it in, but has since broken it down and doesn’t spend as much time in there any more. I think I will change out the hay today, since I don’t see any fur pulling or any other signs, so I think...
  7. Skip&Piper

    Bunny cam! And tips/thoughts wanted.

    Hi everyone! Today marks either day 31 or 27 of my mini lops’ accidental breeding. I’m leaning towards day 27, because I think I caught them quickly the first time, but then after separating them, discovered Skipper could jump the wall between them, and spent a night and work day on Piper’s...
  8. Skip&Piper

    Rookie mistake... :(

    Oh my gosh Jazzywoo, that is the most amazing story! I’m happy to report that we did indeed have Skipper neutered on Feb 6th, and he’s recovering very well! We are putting a nest box in for Piper tomorrow which would be day 28 of the first time I caught them together. She seems to be...
  9. Skip&Piper

    Best bed for rabbits that poop on soft things.

    I am very curious what others use for bunny beds while litter training is still in progress? My girl bunny (who might be accidentally pregnant) is pooping on literally everything, especially if it’s soft. I want to be sure she has a cozy place to sleep but everything soft I put in with her she...
  10. Skip&Piper

    Does a pregnant bunny poop more?

    Its been about two weeks since the accidental breeding of my two bunnies. My boy bunny (thought to be a girl) is being neutered in one week, and we’ve had them separated since we realized our mistake - except, the sneaky boy jumped over the nearly 4 foot wall one night, because I was a dummy...
  11. Skip&Piper

    Rookie mistake... :(

    Thanks for the links and the advice Augustus&HazelGrace, there is some great info there with nice clear timelines that makes me feel like I can handle this! CharlieRae - free roam is the ultimate goal, but as of now they are in a large enclosure (separated from each other now of course!) They...
  12. Skip&Piper

    Rookie mistake... :(

    Thank you so much for the reply! I have called the vet and changed my double spay appointment to a single neuter appointment. We will wait and see what happens with Miss Piper, and go from there. I definitely did not want to terminate the pregnancy, but I was worried sibling mating was going...
  13. Skip&Piper

    Rookie mistake... :(

    Hi all, so as you may know, we added sibling mini-lops to our household this Christmas. They were sexed twice and we were told they were both girls. They have been getting along amazingly well so they’ve been sharing a 4’x 8’ enclosure without issue. One time when I had them out to play, I...
  14. Skip&Piper

    Talk to me about flopping...

    Well I’m happy to hear that it seems like they weren’t too stressed out. It was super stressful for me but by the end I think we had it figured out. I was definitely surprised to see them flop so soon after we were done! I have yet to see them thump at me, so hopefully that’s also a good sign...
  15. Skip&Piper

    Talk to me about flopping...

    Hi all! So, everything I’ve read says that when bunnies flop, it means they are happy, relaxed, not feeling threatened, etc. Piper will flop pretty often, but Skipper not so much. A few days ago I was cutting their nails for the first time, and it was s stressful experience for all of us...
  16. Skip&Piper

    Super proud bunny momma - bunnies learned a trick!

    We use their pellets each day to teach tricks, so we basically just say “Circle!” And then use a pellet in front of their nose and guided them around in a circle. It honestly only took about two days! Here’s a video of my daughter training them:
  17. Skip&Piper

    Edmonton - Alfalfa and Timothy Bales

    I realize this is a super old thread, but I’m just wondering if anyone has bought from here recently. I contacted them and they do have Timothy hay available now but it’s been sprayed with weed control. I’m assuming that means it’s no longer safe for bunnies?
  18. Skip&Piper

    Super proud bunny momma - bunnies learned a trick!

    It’s a super simple trick but they picked it up so fast! I just fall more in love with these fuzz balls every single day! I hope this link works! Here’s Piper:
  19. Skip&Piper

    George and Bindi Bell

    Oh my gosh they are adorable! Now I think I officially want one of each type or bunny breed. The Lionheads are amazing, and the Holland Lops melt my heart!
  20. Skip&Piper

    Hello! Meet Skipper & Piper.

    Oh my Gosh Imbrium they are so adorable! I am glad their tussle wasn’t worse and you were right there! I wish I could get them spayed now, they are 5 months now, but I have only one month to go!