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  1. Lokin4AReason

    Acting odd after spay

    my girl was a bit odd after the surgery she had, given a few days ( max a week ), she was back to her cute bad self =)
  2. Lokin4AReason


    welcome to the madness of cuteness =)
  3. Lokin4AReason

    Rabbit Toy DIYs

    anything that doesnt have ink on it, other than that, your good
  4. Lokin4AReason

    Bunny and Cats

    this is so awesome ....
  5. Lokin4AReason

    How to tell if rabbit is cold

    good to know info in this thread ....
  6. Lokin4AReason

    Thumping when the lights are off?

    a night light may also help for a little while ...
  7. Lokin4AReason

    Bugsy passed on Monday

    sincere condolence(s) for your lose and binky away little one ...
  8. Lokin4AReason


    welcome to the board and looking forward in seeing the little one =)
  9. Lokin4AReason

    Hello all from the North East

    welcome to the show ...
  10. Lokin4AReason

    Coal-goobye my little old girl.

    we ll meet them in time and my they hop upon that rainbow until we meet with them again you gave them the best possible and happy life a bun can have and its making room for the ball of joy waiting for you ... =) again sorry for you loss and my condolences for your passing ... =/
  11. Lokin4AReason

    what is the right weight for a young mini rex?

    my 2 mini rexs are roughly at 3 lbs a piece and will have a vet follow up next week i can give a better estimate at their weight then ( of my two )
  12. Lokin4AReason

    Chewing on pen

    i have the same problem .... i just try to key them busy w/ whatever i can find as in chew toy(s) even if your not there, they need some kind of activities =)
  13. Lokin4AReason

    im new

    greeting(s) to the show ....
  14. Lokin4AReason

    New to Rabbits Online

    greeting(s) ...
  15. Lokin4AReason


    love the hair and welcome =0)
  16. Lokin4AReason


    welcome to the show .... cute bun tho =)
  17. Lokin4AReason

    Rabbit Skype Chat?

    would be an idea there ... IMO
  18. Lokin4AReason

    What do you feed your rabbit?

    more than half of timothy hay and oxbow pellets and i slip in some green(s) and a faction of a banana as a treat for my kid(s) ...
  19. Lokin4AReason

    Raven and Sterling!

    they are looking but cute. i bet that they get away w/ almost everything =0)
  20. Lokin4AReason

    Bonding issues - tried everything we can think of!

    i bonded my two in two separate cages but yet having the two cages next to each other ( and placing their food bowls near each other in separate cages so they can pick up each other scent ) also having them fixed will make the bonding a lot easier to tho ..