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  1. Lokin4AReason

    Abscess treatment in Boston area?

    i have lost my two beloved bun(s) this year due to an abscess in the lower part of the jaw .... and still paying their bill(s) ( on my girl and my boys ) ct scan(s) arent cheap and they priced it about 1200 to 1500 here ... it ll be a difficult road forward ( still coping without having their...
  2. Lokin4AReason

    hi everyone, new to this forum

    welcome to the party ....
  3. Lokin4AReason

    What are the breeds of my rabbits

    they look like rexs or mini dwarfs to me ... cute pair tho
  4. Lokin4AReason

    City Girl Farms

    they have plenty of rescues in your area .... are they have more than enough little individual(s) looking for a forever home .... i would just spend a bit of time with them ( as in the buns ) and see if some of their personalities come out ... and trust me, you wont regret it =)
  5. Lokin4AReason

    Goodbye Petey

    i know its hard .... lost my girl in june and my boy in january of this year we are here for you =) and they are looking down over us ...
  6. Lokin4AReason


    welcome ...
  7. Lokin4AReason

    Drooling bunnies

    little one needs a vet ASAP and thats no joke most likely with a mouth issue and needs attention ( hoping its not an abscess )
  8. Lokin4AReason

    Hey everyone

    welcome aboard ....
  9. Lokin4AReason

    Beer bunny!

    do they have bun AA ?
  10. Lokin4AReason

    Hello from England!

    welcome to the show ...
  11. Lokin4AReason

    lost my 2 babies this year

    thank you .... its just been rough year so far and have the new gang on patrol with not knowing at what to think anymore .... =/
  12. Lokin4AReason

    Hello from NM

    welcome aboard ...
  13. Lokin4AReason

    Head tilt

    mine had a head tilt and the out come was an tooth infection … I would RECOMMEND in seeing a vet immediately, imo
  14. Lokin4AReason

    Hi from w.v

    greeting(s) to the forum ...
  15. Lokin4AReason

    Hello I’m new!

    welcome to the board … cute additions to the family
  16. Lokin4AReason

    lost my 2 babies this year

    sorry I havent been on awhile. just had a lot going on and just had access to a computer. sorry if this is going to be long, but here goes.... my boy ( Borderline Charlie ) wasnt feeling himself last Dec. of 2017 and he passed on 26th of Jan. 2018. I can not tell you how much time I spend going...
  17. Lokin4AReason

    Bunny mounting our cats :(

    play either barry white or some marvin grey to the set the mood ... kidding but i have the problem w/ the two i have fixed ... they mount each other and they are both fixed probably with age, they will break that habit =)
  18. Lokin4AReason

    hi new member

    welcome to the board .... hope that you let the little one out occasionally =)
  19. Lokin4AReason


    welcome ...