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  1. L

    closed eye problem

    Hey! Ok so that was my bad. Sorry for using the word ulcer. :-) The med the vet gave me is I-Drop vet. It says on the box it is a long-lasting viscoadaptive lubricating or moistening agent. Once I open one of the tubes of drops I have to refrigerate it. It seems so far to be good stuff...
  2. L

    closed eye problem

    Randy, Thanks for the advice, while I am at work right now I will check when I get home and make sure the eye drops aren't steroids. The vet I went to is not just any old vet. Michigan State University's Vet school referred me to this vet because of his knowledge of rabbits. I may have...
  3. L

    closed eye problem

    Took Thumper to the vet early this morning. The vet did two tests. One that stuck what seemed to be a piece of paper in his eye to see if Thumper is producing enough tears. Then he stained the eye and showed me the small ulcer that the die was clinging too. It turns out Thumper has dry eyes...
  4. L

    closed eye problem

    Tony and Randy, Thank you for the suggestions. I checked Thumper for any bumps and couldn't feel anything. I am letting him and Hailey run around right now and Thumper seems pretty happy. Running around doing bunny flails. He is keeping his eye open while running around, except he just did...
  5. L

    closed eye problem

    Sorry here is a little bit more. I am located in Lansing, MI Thumper is neutered and has not any health problems before this except he's been backed up once or twice and gave him baby gas medicine and he recovers just fine. He's hopping normal,going to the bathroom normal, eating.
  6. L

    closed eye problem

    Hi everyone! First time poster here looking for some help. I scanned briefly the health forum and couldn't find anything that answered my questions, so here I go. My practically 4 year old Silver Martin, (I think, got him from Petco) Thumper, is suddenly having a problem with his eye. This...