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  1. A

    Rescued wild baby bunnies!! Please help!

    Thanks to all!! I am in Dallas, Tx. There areseveral wild rabbits in my yard every day. They are kind of a grey,brindle color and not very big. I will check out all the links! I wentright down to a pet store and got some special formula that I readabout, KMR, and will try that with them. I will...
  2. A

    Rescued wild baby bunnies!! Please help!

    Hi everyone! I am new, but hope to become a regular. I have a predicament I hope some of you can help me with. I came home from work today and let my little dog out. He startedsniffing around at a spot in the yard and then my big outdoor dog gotin on the act too. So I investigated and found 3...