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  1. Darojati

    Spaying recovery

    oh yes lucky you! A week is nothing when my bunny is still sulking after 2.5weeks! Yes she’s such a spoiled and moody bun, but was super loveable before spay. Hoping she’d go back to her cuddly self soon.
  2. Darojati

    Spaying recovery

    lucky you! My rabbit is still a sulking bundiva after 2.5weeks now!! She’s still moody unfortunately. We just hope she’d go back to normal soon so she will come around to ask for hugs. Missing those moments before her spay ;(
  3. Darojati

    After spay recovery and sulking?

    Hello all Do you know how long will female rabbit heal after spay surgery? And how long will she go back to normal and cuddly after spay surgery? My bunny was spayed 12 days ago and she is still sulking and upset, so she will not ask for hugs/cuddles yet. Is this normal? What is your experience?
  4. Darojati

    Spaying recovery

    Do you know how long will female rabbit heal after spay surgery? And how long will she go back to normal and cuddly after spay surgery? My bunny was spayed 12 days ago and she is still sulking and upset, so she will not ask for hugs/cuddles yet. Is this normal? What is your experience?
  5. Darojati

    to spay or not to spay

    Do you know how long will female rabbit heal after spay surgery? And how long will she go back to normal and cuddly after spay surgery? My bunny was spayed 12 days ago and she is still sulking and upset, so she will not ask for hugs/cuddles yet. Is this normal? What is your experience?
  6. Darojati

    To spay or not to spay

    Do you know how long will female rabbit heal after spay surgery? And how long will she go back to normal and cuddly after spay surgery? My bunny was spayed 12 days ago and she is still sulking and upset, so she will not ask for hugs/cuddles yet. Is this normal? What is your experience?
  7. Darojati

    What do you do when your buns sulk?

    She is 4months old this coming weekend. Alright... sooo after 5 hours, she finally went out of her cage. She did 1 running in circle outside, and went back inside. And after few hours, she finally really went out and asked for petting. She’s such a baby and so cheeky (yes she knew she was...
  8. Darojati

    What do you do when your buns sulk?

    Sooo my bunny (Pochi) is sulking now!! She did poo and pee anywhere anytime she wanted (territorial) yesterday all of a sudden, so we had to make her go back to her cage last night (after whole day playing and made a mess!). This morning when my husband let her out, she went to check her...