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  1. M

    HELP! (wild baby rabbit)

    Also, its stopped grinding its teeth since eating, looks alot more alert and is walking around more. Charlies circling the wee guy aswell. So sweet to watch :). Thankyou so much for your help Pipp
  2. M

    HELP! (wild baby rabbit)

    its pee'd and pooped, yes. I've given it standard hay out of our field (which it would've been eating if it was out there) and i've just gone and grabbed grass. and im unable to take a picture :/ Edit: ITS EATING THE GRASS! thankyou!!
  3. M

    HELP! (wild baby rabbit)

    NZ doesn't have many diseases, so im not particularly to worried about that. Thankyou all for your help.
  4. M

    HELP! (wild baby rabbit)

    Nothing that i can see, only marks molly made when she lunged at it - which is a bit of fur pulled out. The cats are kittens and quite.. idiotic so they wouldn't hurt the rabbit. They would've just wanted to play with it.
  5. M

    HELP! (wild baby rabbit)

    Last night my cats brought in a wild baby rabbit, the only advice i could find was 'put it back'. Well thats no good for me, we live on a farm so firstly i dont know WHERE to put it and where this 'back' is! Secondly, we've 5 cats. This thing isn't going to stand a chance out there. Since I'm...