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  1. V

    Bunny has strange "attacks"

    We appreciate all the kind PMs from everyone . . . yes, we had to have Ryley put to sleep. The attacks were just getting too bad and he was injuring himself too severely. Thank you everyone for your kind words. We really appreciate it. Ryley was a wonderful bunny and gave us so much love...
  2. V

    Bunny has strange "attacks"

    How expensive is this kind of medication?
  3. V

    Bunny has strange "attacks"

    Thank you everyone for the information. You don't know how much I appreciate the research for my little boy. The vets I've taken him to don't think it's a seizure. Our current vet (a bunny specialist) says the combination of symptoms is nothing like he's ever heard of before. There's...
  4. V

    Bunny has strange "attacks"

    Just about at my wit's end with this, so thought I'd just ask if anyone else has ever seen this. We've had Ryley for four years now. We got him from a local rescue group. He's bonded with a dwarf mini English spot named Maggie. We've had her for five years. About a month after we got...