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  1. S

    Premature death of our Netherland Dwarf

    Dear all, We had the results back from the vet....they have indicated that,whilst not conclusive, it appears the most likely cause of death washeart attack brought on by sudden trauma. Therefore apredator seems the most plausible scenario. The vets werevery reverent and provided him back in a...
  2. S

    Premature death of our Netherland Dwarf

    We are picking up the little chap tomorrow andburying him here in the garden. The vet did say that bloodwas found between the lung and chest wall, though some marks on hisliver were also a concern. The vet took some samples and sentthem to the laboratory. We are told that the results will...
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    Premature death of our Netherland Dwarf

    Thank you very much for your comments.Having reviewed them all I took our beloved rabbit to the vet thismorning. I have requested a necropsy and this will occurtomorrow or Wednesday. Till then the little fellow is in'storage' at the vet's. Thanks again for your advice and ifyou are interested I...
  4. S

    Premature death of our Netherland Dwarf

    Many thanks Laura. He was our onlyrabbit, sadly, loved and nurtured since a baby. I just reallywant to know HOW he died. So healthy at 10.05am and dead atnoon...
  5. S

    Premature death of our Netherland Dwarf

    :cry1 Dear friends, Our 1 year old Netherland Dwarf rabbit was founddead in his run this afternoon and apart from the shock and grief, weare trying to establish cause of death. He was left in therun around 11-noon (much longer previously) in the enclosed backgarden, and was completely...