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  1. R

    Rabbit possibly constipated: GI Status

    Actually, this just happened today, but little did I know, the symptoms of GI-Stasis could've happened a while ago.
  2. R

    Rabbit possibly constipated: GI Status

    I have already gave the rabbit simethicone and now i'm waiting for the results. I am trying to give it water and food using a syringe and will tell the results. The vet did not give any recommendation nor prescription.'' Also now my rabbit is breathing quite heavily and It is audible. What...
  3. R

    Rabbit possibly constipated: GI Status

    My rabbit Cookie, is a minature rabbit and recently, it hasn't been moving and been lethargic. It does drink a bit of water but doesn't eat food. I haven't seen fecal dropping in the past hours and after unhelpful vet recommendation I was wondering how could this be cured using a home remedy or...