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  1. T


    she has completely stopped all of thenesting. she only really did it for that one day, and now sheis back to normal. she has abandoned the nesting boxaltogether. it was a bizzare thing. i spoke to thewomen at the shelter we adopted him from and she reassured me that themale was neutered about 3...
  2. T


    the confusion stemmed from the nesting episodelast night. i adopted the male from a shelter and was toldthat he was neutered. i called this afternhoon toconfirm.
  3. T


    amy your bun is so cute! i let themrun around a little tonight and there is a lot of mounting and gruntinggoing on. do you think its normal? i'm really newto all this! and they have never behaved this way until last night!
  4. T


    she is about 4 months now.
  5. T


    no babies, yet! she doesn't appear tobe as frantic as she was last night. she is still pulling ather hair a little, and gathering hay, but doesn't seem as interested inthe actual nest. though more weird things arehappening. i think she may be in heat for the firsttime? the boy won't leave her...
  6. T


    the doe was a baby when we got her in march, heis about 8 months. they have been together for about 3 monthsnow. ironically, she usually does the mounting. heis from a shelter, which is why i relied on the nuetering.she started acting this way late afternoon today. i am justnervous that it is...
  7. T


    so general consensus is pregnant?
  8. T


    i think i am more panicked that thebunny. are these the signs? she is doing a lot ofthumping and it looks like she is trying to put as much in her mouth(hay, cloth, fur) as possibl? should i put her in her cage orlet he be loose?
  9. T


    i have two buns, a male and a female.we adopted the male and he was suppossed to be neutered. myfemale is showing signs that she is going to deliver. she isrunning around thumping and pulling clumps of hair out. sheseems very unsettled. can anyone help!