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  1. S

    Head tilt went away on its own, then came back.

    There haven't been any worsening of the symptoms. He's actually not as bad as he was before, but, the symptoms have been progressing. I wasn't exactly clear earlier. By saying that he is no linger litter trained, I meant that he defacates in his cage and on the floor. He still only urinates in...
  2. S

    Head tilt went away on its own, then came back.

    Initially, we took him to the vet. She gave him antibiotics (not sure what kind) and it went away. Within a few weeks, it came back. We tried the same antibiotic again with no results. She switched his antibiotic to Sulfameth/Trimeth and again, had no results. In order to further examine him...
  3. S

    Head tilt went away on its own, then came back.

    Hi. I have a 7 year old Netherland Dwarf bunny who has had head tilt for about 3 years. Antibiotics haven't worked and until now, we have resigned ourselves to the fact that we have a special needs bunny. About a month ago, Abraham's head stopped tilting. Just like that, out of the blue, all...