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  1. E

    rabbit bother! help! urgent! its getting me so down!

    i do try and do that....but they wont come nearme,.....and when they do , if i stroke them, they run off........i feelso depressed.....i dunno what 2 do about pains me so muchwhen they thump at me when i walk in the room or when i strokethem.....why :( jenny
  2. E

    rabbit bother! help! urgent! its getting me so down!

    my rabbits must realy hate me, as soon as ipicked them up esme thumped and ran off and harvey had scratched my armhard and its soooo painfull, im sat here in tears....y do they hate meso much? :(:(:( jenny
  3. E

    rabbit bother! help! urgent! its getting me so down!

    yeh i totaly stimped 2 :( ohwell....i will try and spend more :) time with themand see what happens....i will let u know whta happens :) thanks jenny
  4. E

    Whisper Pics

    aw what a cutie :D so cute!! :D
  5. E

    rabbit bother! help! urgent! its getting me so down!

    about an hour a day, i sit in the pen with them,they come up 2 me , but wont let me stroke them....and i also open thepen and they jump on my bed and sit near me, but again wont let metouch them or pick them up 4 a cuddle.....they used 2 be ok aboutit...but now they are so skitish......i dunno...
  6. E

    rabbit bother! help! urgent! its getting me so down!

    male and female and both neutad :) thanks plz help jenny
  7. E

    rabbit bother! help! urgent! its getting me so down!

    i have had my rabbits for about (harvey)6 monthsand (esme) seven month and when they 1st came, esme was extreamly shy,but came out her shell after a few months and was a lovley rabbit ( alittle skitish but ok) and harvey was always bonnkers....but now (thepast month or so) they are becoming...