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  1. Z

    losing his fur

    how is a rabbit's life span?
  2. Z

    Uh, this sounds dumb, but...

    well i did give my rabbit a binki.
  3. Z

    my heart is breaking but...

    well if you want to keep the rabbits all youhave to do is keep on getting them out about an hour a day andeventually they will get tame. but if you don't wanna try that then thebunnies will be fine if they are seperted. because one of my rabbitshad some brothers and sisters and he got seperated...
  4. Z

    Sex Bowser: is he a lady?

    your rabbit is definitely a girl rabbit. i havetwo male rabbits. i think i should know the difference between a maleand a female rabbit. i have past expereince.
  5. Z

    losing his fur

    we are sure that the rabbit is a he. he as beenaround other rabbit becuase we have their cages close together. thatother rabbit is fine. it has been going on about 3 weeks ormore.
  6. Z

    losing his fur

    no there is no flakes on the skin.
  7. Z

    losing his fur

    we feed him rabbit pellets. he is in a wire cagebut half of it is straw. yes when i say "no fur underneath"heis bald. he is also losinghis furon his legs abovehis feet.
  8. Z

    losing his fur

    he has been shedding now for about 3 weeks ormore. i dont think it is normal shedding. he did this once before butit quit, now it has come back. I dont know what i did to get rid of itthen. He is also about 5 1/2 yrs old. Also how long do they normallylive. He is dwarf lop-earred
  9. Z

    losing his fur

    Can any one tell me why my buuny is losing his fur? He has almost no fur under his body now. HELP ME SOMEONE