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  1. Semperfichic818

    Urgent Advice needed for orphan kit

    I'm super leery of both. I did actually find someone in my area with an adult doe though so fingers crossed we will be harvesting cecotropes tonight. I noticed today that he was a little more depressed than usual and he hasn't been gaining as much weight as I feel like he should. I did some...
  2. Semperfichic818

    Rabbit is limping

    Poor guy. Hang in there bunny mama!
  3. Semperfichic818

    Rabbit is limping

    If he is able to move the leg at all it is not a dislocation. A dislocation occurs when the joint comes completely out of the socket, so you are okay there. Limping could be several things including what you said: a broken toenail. Without really inspecting his leg/foot there is not going to be...
  4. Semperfichic818

    Urgent Advice needed for orphan kit

    Hi all. I am currently fostering a wild cottontail that I estimate to be about a week and a half old. I have him on KMR and he's been doing well. I have years of experience with rabbits in general and quite a bit of experience hand raising orphans (I've hand raised one cottontail prior to...