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  1. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate gum.

    Lmao right! I know it’s been only a few minutes from the time he ate it but he seems fine and he directly went to his poo station/hay station and he just ate a bit. He’s just laying down now licking his paws. Yeah, I have a vet I can definitely go to. Just it’s like maybe half an hour away or...
  2. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate gum.

    I don’t think you should comment at all if you’re not gonna say anything regarding my question.
  3. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate gum.

    Hey guys, so I was sitting on the couch and I hear that my rabbit is biting down on something and I go check and he’s on top of the kitchen chairs under the dining table and he’s picking at a old piece of gum that was put under the table. He ate some of it but I’m not sure how big the gum was...
  4. BinkyLouie

    Can a rabbit pass cat food if they eat hay and drink water?

    Thank you. He’s fine now.
  5. BinkyLouie

    How can I help my rabbit withstand hot weather?

    Unfortunately I do not have an AC.
  6. BinkyLouie

    My rabbit loves the ferns we have outside our door. Is this okay?

    Haha wow. That’s funny and cute. This is the plant he goes after lmao
  7. BinkyLouie

    How can I help my rabbit withstand hot weather?

    Yeah that’s why I take him outside.. it’s too hot inside. I wouldn’t take him out if there was no shade. I make sure I provide him water(cool) so that he can be refreshed. The air hits him and it’s cool outside so that’s why I see it better to take him outside than keep him inside. There’s no...
  8. BinkyLouie

    How can I help my rabbit withstand hot weather?

    WOW. He is so cute 😂 What type of breed is your rabbit? Looks chonk. Honestly, I get what you’re saying but it was super hot all day yesterday like too hot to be inside and I would look over at him and he was shaking already and bobbing his head even being on the tiles so I took him outside...
  9. BinkyLouie

    How can I help my rabbit withstand hot weather?

    If it’s hotter inside than it is outside I’m gonna take him outside. I wouldn’t want him to feel hot. Imagine how we feel when it’s hot? They feel it worse. That’s why I’ve been having him outside so that he doesn’t get a heatstroke in 90 degree weather.
  10. BinkyLouie

    How can I help my rabbit withstand hot weather?

    Pretty damn creative.
  11. BinkyLouie

    My rabbit loves the ferns we have outside our door. Is this okay?

    Haha yeah. His poo’s don’t seem to change at all when he eats the ferns.
  12. BinkyLouie

    My rabbit loves the ferns we have outside our door. Is this okay?

    Hey guys, so my rabbit loves ferns. He just can’t get enough of them. I know what type of fern it is and they’re not harmful to him but I’m just wondering if he’s okay to eat as many as he wants. He’ll literally chomp a big leaf off and take it into the house whenever I open the door. I can’t...
  13. BinkyLouie

    How can I help my rabbit withstand hot weather?

    He likes to lay on the kitchen tiles. He was there mostly all day until I took him outside. He has his little hut so he can be in one spot meanwhile the air hits him.
  14. BinkyLouie

    Can a rabbit pass cat food if they eat hay and drink water?

    Is there something else I should do besides hay and water? I fed him some dandelion leaves cause I know it helps with digestion in rabbits. That was a while ago and he’s doing pretty good. Normal poops now.. If it’s gonna upset his tummy should I buy like gas drops or something else?
  15. BinkyLouie

    Can a rabbit pass cat food if they eat hay and drink water?

    He’s acting pretty normal so far except I do notice two egg shaped poo’s. No small poo’s though. Just those two eggs shaped poo’s. Let’s say say he ate 4-5 pieces would he be fine? What if he ate 6-9 pieces of cat food? Would I have to take him to the vet? If I see any signs could I take him...
  16. BinkyLouie

    Can a rabbit pass cat food if they eat hay and drink water?

    My rabbit ate some cat food. The cat food was closed but as usual someone always opens it and never closes it. Typical. I’m not sure how many he ate I was going to go check up on him cause he was sleeping and then next thing I know he’s eating the cat food. I quickly snatched him and put him to...
  17. BinkyLouie

    How can I help my rabbit withstand hot weather?

    Hey guys, so it’s been getting pretty hot now in California and my boy isn’t shaking or bobbing his head but I want him to feel comfortable and not hot. I’ve been wetting a napkin and putting it into the freezer and taking I out when its frozen so I can put it on his body. Is this fine to do...
  18. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit doesn’t wanna use his litter box?

    I’ll keep that in mind. I just think about the worst ): he’s dealing good with the weather alright. It’s hot here.. im gonna have to make a thread right now about how I can help him fight the hot weather.
  19. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit doesn’t wanna use his litter box?

    Okay! I’ll try not to worry 😢 it’s usually only a few and thankfully he hasn’t pooped any today. Thats an improvement