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  1. lpetryk

    Holding a rabbit behavior change

    I have picked her up ever since we have had her, around 8wks. She never cared for it, as expected, but tolerated it. Her cage does open into a ramp with a big closed in exercise area. when i open her door i always just scooped her up and she always seemed better if i sat than stood with her. I...
  2. lpetryk

    Holding a rabbit behavior change

    My female bunny always used to let me pick her up to get her out of her cage, but as she gets older the more she hates it. Her cage is in the garage, so for her to come in the house and play i have to carry her in. My last attempt she really freaked out and was mad at me for 2 days and wouldn't...
  3. lpetryk

    Congenital Deformities

    What a long sad day, but Ornament (black one) is in heaven now. This was about the 5th vet that saw him and finally the best one i found, she was great. She had a different opinion than the vet who diagnosed him congenital deformities. She strongly felt that the bones in his leg and shoulder...
  4. lpetryk

    Congenital Deformities

    The first one on the list, Dr. Clark in Quakertown, is where im taking him tomorrow. im so afraid they are going to suggest euthanasia. I just can not find anyone else that has had a rabbit with congenital deformities. Im hoping xrays will help clear up exactly what is going on, i just do not...
  5. lpetryk

    Congenital Deformities

    Thanks so much for your comments, the House Rabbit Society was amazingly informative! I have spent hours on line and can find no information on his disability, all i did find is that they typically dont survive for more than a few days. I have taken him to several vets so far and maybe my...
  6. lpetryk

    Congenital Deformities

    Im new on here, have not figured how to send photos. he looks like a cute little bunny, normal looking. his front foot just turns out kinda like a turtles foot or a club foot. In a picture he looks fine unless you look close at his one foot. the abnormality in his hind leg was not as severe as...
  7. lpetryk

    Congenital Deformities

    I purchased a holland lop runt whom ended up having congenital defects. Being a first time bunny owner i didnt notice anything abnormal besides him being a runt. Shame on the rabbitry for not noticing! Anyhow, he was doing alright getting around, not as good as his sister whom is healthy, and...