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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Mehidk

    Pictures of Bambi

    So precious!! I love her pattern and coloring.
  2. Mehidk

    What Do You Love About Your Bun?

    That is too adorable! She sounds like a complete sweetheart ❤
  3. Mehidk

    How do you handle set backs and keep staying positive

    I used to game a lot when I was younger. I was dedicated to Final Fantasy until they started getting ridiculous after XIII. Kingdom Hearts is also one of my favorites. When I got KH3 earlier this year, I played for a good several hours until I got stuck on one of the lands. Then I've been taking...
  4. Mehidk

    Rabbit Revenge?!

    Oh it's happened! There was one time she left a stray poop on the bed and somehow he missed it and sat in it for a good hour before getting up. Another time, he was actually taking a nap and I came home to her sitting on the bed next to him with pee and poop around him. 😂
  5. Mehidk

    Any tips on soft rug

    Haha Odin and Toste have claimed the land! Hopefully the new arrangement will help with Toste's sore hocks.
  6. Mehidk

    How do you handle set backs and keep staying positive

    When I'm feeling down and "checked out" with life, I resort to listening to music and working on puzzles. I love 1,000+ pieces and more. I also found a new hobby with diamond paintings. You literally have hundreds if not thousands of little beads that you have to put together to create an image...
  7. Mehidk

    New Bunny

    Rabbits generally don't like being held - with some being an exception. Some are cuddly, some want nothing to do with being held. Continue working on your bond with her so she learns to trust you, so yes let her come to you. Don't force her because then it'll be even harder to bond. Try giving...
  8. Mehidk

    30 inch exercise pen escape

    My rabbit is a 6.5lb little acrobat. I learned the hard way that she can clear 36" with little issues. Thank goodness she just hung out by the steps! Perhaps 40-48" pen would be better since Flemish can be quite large.
  9. Mehidk

    Advice for a bunny who partially stopped using his litter box

    I'll look into it. Right now I've been using the Nature's Miracle No More Marking Spray. Luckily I have a waterproof mattress cover so it doesn't soak into the actual bed itself but I spray just in case. She's only done it a handful of times since I've adopted her in November of last year. She...
  10. Mehidk

    Any tips on soft rug

    What about a mat that has memory foam in it? PS: I want your Eevee rug haha
  11. Mehidk


    Mine has a large cardboard tunnel, a cardboard cottage, and a dig box with hay mixed with some treats. Her newest favorite thing are the plastic keys you give to a baby to play with. She loves tossing it around and I'm training her to pick them up and give them to me. I also use a toilet paper...
  12. Mehidk

    Advice for a bunny who partially stopped using his litter box

    My rabbit, Trixie is a princess. And when I mean princess, she doesn't like pooping in the same spot over and over. So if there's pee/poop in one area, she'll move to a cleaner spot in her box and do her business. When it's "full" to her, then she starts going elsewhere. I finally figured out...
  13. Mehidk

    How to get hay out of carpet???

    Do you have a lint roller? Or duct tape? Use that to pick up the little pieces of hay. It may be tedious, but that's how I've gotten smaller stuff off me (especially fur). If you decide to look into a new vacuum, I got the Shark Navigator. It's pretty awesome and sucks up all the little pieces...
  14. Mehidk

    What is up with this forum site

    She's a young girl. Although it's not really an excuse, that's really all that I can come up with. I think now that people have got the clarification they needed, it's done. I do agree that the situation was odd though. It may be a little too late, but welcome to the forum! :)
  15. Mehidk

    What is up with this forum site

    Obviously I'm late to the game lol. Just read that thread. Guess they were her fake accounts. Well it's over and done now. Before the drama happened, things around here were about the rabbits, I can assure you that. Now we can go back to our regular programming.
  16. Mehidk

    What is up with this forum site

    There was definitely some questionable statements from her. Whether there were fake accounts or not, people were trying to help a person out and they got frustrated with the conflicting information from this person. For me, I tend to click on "new posts" and comment on those that have had recent...
  17. Mehidk

    What Do You Love About Your Bun?

    Trixie is a vocal bunny and the sounds that come from her are just too funny. When she is extremely relaxed, she will lay in one of her favorite corners and start making a "oinking/honking" noise, a sign of contentment if you will. She does it for a few seconds where I can get it on video and...
  18. Mehidk

    Hi! a question about the food brand...

    I wouldn't use Wild Harvest as the reviews on them haven't been good. I use Science Selective Grain Free or Oxbow (transitioning this one out).
  19. Mehidk

    Is it normal for bun to change colour?

    My rabbit has changed color. When I first adopted her, she was gray, black, brown and white. Now 6 months later and winter coat shedding, the brown in her fur has disappeared and she has new markings.
  20. Mehidk

    Moving East coast to West coast

    Currently the US does not require vaccines for rabbits.