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  1. Lucas the Bun

    Get to know each other game!

    I love pineapple pizza, I love pineapple in general !🍍 The person below me is exited for fall.
  2. Lucas the Bun

    Get to know each other game!

    No but Lucas almost peed on my computer. 👩‍💻😂 The person below me share the most expensive your bun has chewed.
  3. Lucas the Bun

    Can this be dangerous?

    You could do a Bing Picture search of it.
  4. Lucas the Bun

    Sprained paw??

    Healthy Bun Diet: Thread Great Rabbit Resources to check out:
  5. Lucas the Bun

    Sprained paw??

    I have a couple helpful tips for you, 🙃 1) Invest in a Cat Sized Litter Box, it will save you money as you only have to put the bedding in that one spot instead of the entire cage, plus it makes it easier for you to clean. 2) I highly recommend getting wood stove pellets they are much cheaper &...
  6. Lucas the Bun

    Sprained paw??

    Hi, do you think you could show what her hind leg looks like ? Ps. Don’t be scared, everyone on this forum joined to ask questions, so feel free to ask questions. 👍🏻
  7. Lucas the Bun

    Sore hocks

    If you do put Neosporin on, make sure it’s the one without pain relief, it’s toxic.
  8. Lucas the Bun

    Sore hocks

    I would’nt apply the bandages, it’s difficult to apply them correctly. Instead I would put a ton of fleece blankets :) To relieve the pressure on her hocks. (assuming it’s due to hard flooring).
  9. Lucas the Bun

    Is Sand Safe?

    I think sand has the possibility to get into your rabbit’s eyes and make a mess. I’d try paper bedding/shredded paper instead. (shouldn’t be same material as litter box) :)
  10. Lucas the Bun

    HELP!! Rabbit ate poisonous plants

    Is there a Emergency Pet Poison Control Number in your country (if so call them ASAP) (Remove the plant first)