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  1. Lucas the Bun

    dead baby rabbits found while cleanning, had no clue she was pregnant

    They can get pregnant right after giving birth. (as far as I know) Yes according to Science Focus they can
  2. Lucas the Bun

    dead baby rabbits found while cleanning, had no clue she was pregnant

    I don’t, *but* Happy Holland’s & JBun, know a lot.
  3. Lucas the Bun

    dead baby rabbits found while cleanning, had no clue she was pregnant

    First, make sure they can’t get to each other rabbits have been known to mate through the bars. Space them apart. Your female may have figured out how to climb the bars of an x-pen if she’s in an x pen. She may not be pregnant right now, she may just think she’s pregnant. I’d just prepare for...
  4. Lucas the Bun

    Rabbit under weight?

    Haru is likely fine, those pictures are a general and it’s suppost to show the the same rabbit, as if it was over weight, a healthy weight, or thin, (it was edited to give an example of each). I suggest getting a scale & weigh her each month. Keep track of her weight on a note pad. (
  5. Lucas the Bun

    Is graphite poisonous?

    How’s your bun now?
  6. Lucas the Bun

    Changing pellets

    Hi ! 1st week: New Pellets 25% Old Pellets 75% 2nd week: New Pellets 50% Old Pellets 50% 3rd week: New Pellets 75% Old Pellets 25% 4rd week: New Pellets 100% Those are the general “guide lines” but you can go slower. Depending on how different the ingredients are. 🙂
  7. Lucas the Bun

    Get to know each other game!

    I like Monterey Jack Cheese. TPBM knows their personality type.
  8. Lucas the Bun

    Is her leg okay?

    The definition of spay is removing the ovaries. Technically she can be born without a Uterus though rare. If I’m correct that should have nothing to do with getting her spayed. Still keep her in her cage for 2 weeks you want her to recover through whatever procedure she just had. It is...
  9. Lucas the Bun

    Help! Did she open her wound?

    Soft Cone:
  10. Lucas the Bun

    Is this cleaning spray safe to use?

    I usually use this one Or use 10% (white v) and dilute it one cup vinegar & one cup water. Edit: Vinegar is great for stains I have a white litter box (why I chose white beats me 🤪) I leave it 5-7 minutes...
  11. Lucas the Bun

    Please help figure out breed!

    I could’nt tell if you had an x-pen attached but I would definitely suggest getting one, pet store cages are way to small for rabbits. Rabbits need at least 24 square feet of space, but the more the better. 🙂 Housing | House Rabbit Society
  12. Lucas the Bun

    Please help figure out breed!

    He looks like a Holland Hop to me, he turn out to be a “helicopter ear” bun 😊. I see your using paper bedding all across the cage. I would suggest investing in a cat sized litter box and using Wood Stall Pellets, much much cheaper than paper bedding and do a great job...
  13. Lucas the Bun

    Ear Health

    1-2cc per hour Every 3 hours
  14. Lucas the Bun

    Nice to meet you all :)

    Hi, This is my Bun Lucas best photo I could get of her 😆
  15. Lucas the Bun


    Ok Thank You so much. She’s acting normal Thank Gosh
  16. Lucas the Bun


    Not to mention Pet MD is freaking me out with ”possible zink and plastic injestion” and fluid in lungs! 😩
  17. Lucas the Bun


    Uhhhhhh I left Lucas for literally seconds and she managed to chew half way through my Ipad charger !! I don’t even care about the charger will she be ok she is munching on hay and came running when I offered pellets? Checked her mouth couldn’t see anything & couldn’t get a look at her toungue...
  18. Lucas the Bun

    Poop changes?

    Ok, well once you get it keep it on hand in case he has more gas. I would massage his stomach Best Wishes for your bun