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  1. delusional

    The Degerfield Bunnies

    It's Official! The little bunnies have names! I would like to introdue you all to the boys... That's Emmer, as in the wheat. And of course, what more fitting name for our dear Drunken Huggy Bun - Hops, as in the plant used for brewing beer. ;) And on to our darling...
  2. delusional

    My two baby girlies are gone. =(

    Yeah I hope they sign up here too. Or at the very least keep in touch and update me once in a while.. :)
  3. delusional

    Agouti Bunnies - Showing my Maxer Man some love.

    Hehe, yeah they've been bonded for about three weeks now, and they're in a constant state of cuddle. :love:
  4. delusional

    The Degerfield Bunnies

    Erm.. I guess Milo would be.. orange? :P Everyone else is getting on great. Nigel is over his little ordeal, and we've decided to make life a little easier and instead of trying to bond Raspberry back to Cordie and her daughter, we're going to bond the daughter to Nigel instead (if he'll have...
  5. delusional

    Best Girly Films

    I have to say, I'm not really one for girly films, and I'd probably be with NZminilops watching Terminator. :P BUT I do like Benny and Joon. And it's about the only 'girly' film I can sit all the way through.
  6. delusional

    hay gone bad?

    As far as I'm aware, hay goes brown when exposed to air. It's why hay bales are brown on the outside, but if you break a flake off them then they are green inside. Hay that has gone brown is not necessarily bad for your bunny, I believe it carries slightly less nutritional value than green hay...
  7. delusional

    Agouti Bunnies - Showing my Maxer Man some love.

    I have to admit it - I've always been drawn to the more 'interesting' coloured rabbits. I don't think I would have chosen an agouti bun. Until, that is, Ruby came along. Now, if Ruby hadn't landed in our lap, so to speak, we probably never would have ended up with an agouti bun. But I do find...
  8. delusional

    My two baby girlies are gone. =(

    Well, the two baby girlies that we decided to sell have just gone to their new home. I miss them already! The lady seemed really nice though, I think they will be very happy. And she said that she'd keep in touch with photos etc. And I told her about the forum, of course.
  9. delusional

    Bradford show 24th and 25th January

    I don't understand, why is the Bradford show being held in Harrogate? I soooo want to go... it's only about 15 minutes on the train.... hmmmmm........
  10. delusional

    Small up-eared bunnies

    If you're referring to your new bunnies, they look remarkably similar to my Nigel & Cordie's babies... ;) And they are nethie/lop crosses. So I'd say that may be a possibility.
  11. delusional

    wintery nights on the way

    I don't keep buns outside now, but I remember from when I was a kid and we had a bunny outside - we'd fold a blanket and put it on top of the hutch for a little insulation, and then throw a tarp over the top so it was waterproof, and weigh it down with bricks. And then if it's raining or really...
  12. delusional

    Think Daisy's broken her toe...

    Daisy's doing really good now. The painkillers seem to have kicked in and she's not licking her foot anymore. She's not really acting any differently at all. Except for being grumpy because she's not allowed out at the moment. :P
  13. delusional

    Hay from farm

    When I started looking for farmers to get hay from, instead f buying it from pet shops, I had loads of them tell me that they wouldn't sell just a couple of bales at a time. Then I found one who would, and honestly, all the hard work and phoning around was worth it. My hay is generally a lot...
  14. delusional

    Think Daisy's broken her toe...

    We did get some yeah, but the vet poured it into a small dispensing bottle for us, because they only had the large size bottles in.
  15. delusional

    The Degerfield Bunnies

    Sorry.. no more Alfie pictures yet... But you can have the cutest picture ever of Ruby & Milo! Lookit these guys! They look like they've been in love forever... ETA: oh yes, excuse the mess - it was cleaning out time when I caught them at their cuddling and I didn't have the heart to stick the...
  16. delusional

    Think Daisy's broken her toe...

    Thanks - I do have a good set of scales, I made a point to invest in some quality baby scales when Ollie was having his weight issues. I will speak to the vet when we take Daisy back for her check-up. How long does Metacam keep/how should it be stored?
  17. delusional

    Think Daisy's broken her toe...

    Thanks - I will ask them about it next time I go. :) Here are some pics of her toe as it is at the moment.. I'm posting links because I don't know if some people may find them disturbing: Broken toe 1 Broken toe 2
  18. delusional

    Think Daisy's broken her toe...

    Well the vet said pretty much what you guys said - leave it to heal on its own, restrict her from jumping around too much and give her pain killers. So she gave her an injection and gave us some Metacam to give to her. Flashy - how do you have a stash of Metacam when it's prescription only? I...
  19. delusional

    Think Daisy's broken her toe...

    Thanks for all the replies, guys. She's still eating and drinking fine, just eating some hay now as I type. I'll warm up the heating pad for her before I go to bed. Over the evening, her toe seems to have started to return to a more normal position - when I first posted it was about 90 degrees...
  20. delusional

    Think Daisy's broken her toe...

    We had Daisy and Bunny in the playpen for a 'date', to see if they looked like they would bond. Well, they won't. Not easily anyway. But the thing is, Daisy made a leap for freedom over the side of the pen, and got her foot caught on the way. She hopped off and looked fine, but now that we've...