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  1. delusional

    The Degerfield Bunnies

    Oh alright Ali, but just because you asked. ;) (Albeit about a month ago....) And you can have some Daisy, too, whether you want it or not!
  2. delusional

    How many RO bunnies do we have?

    Plus mine = 497 ;)
  3. delusional

    photographing rabbits with red eyes

    Hehe, thanks Mike. I actually had it something like that at first, but whenever I get to the levels bit I always wonder if I didn't like it just a bit softer.. then a bit softer.. then chicken out and put it right back how it was before I started with the levels. Guess that's something I'm...
  4. delusional

    photographing rabbits with red eyes

    This thread got me wanting to play, so I snapped some pics of the ever-photogenic Raspberry using flash with a quickly home-made diffuser (basically a paper pyrimid hastily sellotaped together). As you can see Raspberry's eyes came out nice and pink, as they should, but the background is...
  5. delusional

    Today on RO - MONDAY

    I thought Minda had changed the deadline for the photo contest to the 22nd? Is that still happening?? Oh dear I hope I still have time to take some pictures! ETA: oh it's okay, I checked the thread, it is the 22nd. Phew!
  6. delusional

    Wabbitdads Wabbit Herd 2009

    Hahaha. Fabulous photos! That first one is the best, that is possibly the most relaxed bunny I have ever seen.
  7. delusional

    Increased agression after neutering

    It will take a few weeks for the hormonal behaviour to settle down, and as Flashy said it may be that he's just a little put out at what was done to him.. I know I've had bunnies who have had no problems with the carrier until they're taken to the vets for the first time, then they're quite...
  8. delusional

    Photo Phile Contest: Buns on Vacation!

    I was just wondering... um.. when this contest actually finishes, since Saturday August 18th 2009 doesn't exist. ;)
  9. delusional

    Cage flooring

    Those coloured sqaures that fit together can be eaten from the middle - I had them for Nigel, and he's not even really a chewer, and they ended up with holes in them.
  10. delusional

    Cage flooring

    Is it just the edges that she chews, or does she pull it up from the middle as well? If it's just the edges, then you could stick with your carpet squares and protect the edges with those metal strips that go down the edge of plasterboard... erm.. no idea what they're called.. or what I've done...
  11. delusional

    Any recommendeded nail clippers?

    I use scissor-type ones, except they were slightly more expensive than just the little ones, and they have a spring so they pop back open when you let go, like the guillotine style ones, which I find preferable.
  12. delusional

    New cage set up need some ideas for selves.

    I've had NIC style cages with only 1 grid-square hole for jumping up and down, and eveyone seemed to be able to manage just fine. Nigel's is currently 2x2x3 high and has two shelves, 1x2, and there's plenty of room for both he and Vic to flop out on the shelves. So either way should be fine...
  13. delusional

    The Degerfield Bunnies

    More photos! ;) "What do you mean stop eating everything?" Cuddles with daddy... And while you're here you can have some Nigel and VICTOR, too. Cuddles with mummy...
  14. delusional

    A visit from the gender fairy...

    Hehe. It's strangely not that hard to refer to him as a him, though. Like if some of my bunnies turned out to be boys, or girls, when we'd thought otherwise for so long, it would be really hard to change (like with Bunny, it was really hard not to call him 'her' for a long time...) But Vic is...
  15. delusional

    A visit from the gender fairy...

    Well, we've been paid a visit by the gender fairy this evening. My own personal fault, here, but hey it wqas my first time sexing baby rabbits. So.. Violet... is now Victor. Oops? :rollseyes "She" and Nigel were having a bit of a scuffle (which makes more sense now, as do a lot of things) and...
  16. delusional

    The 8th of July

    Except in the UK on 7th August. ;)
  17. delusional

    The Degerfield Bunnies

    Hehe, I know, she was just looking at me like 'What?' The bunny-garden outside was getting a bit bushy (despite the regular nibblings!) so I went out and trimmed it, brought in a huge bowl full of goodies and now have lots of happy bunnies making contented munching sounds. :) The parsely and...
  18. delusional

    The Degerfield Bunnies

    Weeelll... been a while since I updated here... Shiloh - yes, Jinx is the one who came with a little 'friend', who we called Isobel. And Isobel is all grown up now! I can't believe how big she's gotten, and I'm sure she's going to lop. She spent most of yesterday evening with one ear down -...
  19. delusional

    Awful bunny lady

    Quite. If she was hoarding human children and keeping their corpses, I bet your story would be different.
  20. delusional

    Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2009

    Whee.. here's the next one. ;)