Unfortunately she absolutely hates them tried but no gi. Pees and poos very liberally all over them. Have been told peanut butter good. What do you think?
Yeah shes had panacur and septrin. Cross fingers she is clear for now. Our vet is very good but didnt recognise ecuniculi. Cant help wondering if caught sooner she wouldnt have the permanent damsge she has.
My baby has lost massive amount in weight. She had evu niculi(excuse spelling) She weighs 1.8kg she should be 2.5kg. Im giving her critical care food supplement....bunny porridge from the vets.
I agree give the little guy time. My luna was the same when we got. her mate when we got him he ate anything fresh. She realised what he was eating and started trying fresh too. Fresh coriander is a favourite of my hooligans.
I buy the hay i buy as its super forage with extra roughage as my boy has dental issues and its a pre scription food. When i bought cheap hay i found thorny stuff in it so im very wary.