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  1. ravenmoore36

    Does anyone have a rabbit that makes noises while in a deep sleep?

    Just keep an eye in him. My boys has respitory problems whistles or gentle huffs are normal for him. When he is having bother you can really hear it.
  2. ravenmoore36

    Wasps and Spiders getting into our house....any rabbit safe remedies?

    Look for swellings or respitory problems too. We use tea tree oil as a deterant.
  3. ravenmoore36

    Specialist lagamorph vet

    Sorry uk maidstone kent
  4. ravenmoore36

    Specialist lagamorph vet

    Trinity vets maidstone directly opposite the hospital. Mark and Richard KNOW bunnies and there eccentricities. Highly recommend savef my girls life.
  5. ravenmoore36

    Bunnies and micro chipping

    I highly recommend chip your bun. Theres been alot in the news about chipping dogs. Both of our buns are chipped although they are house rabbits. We take them out to our local park......on leads and harness. It gives you security outdoors especially should they escape from what you think is...
  6. ravenmoore36

    Poopy butt and I don't want to hurt him, but he'll need daily baths and....Help?

    If his fur like my girls is very fine and thick i thin the fur out. But i agree get his glands checked.
  7. ravenmoore36

    My little friend

    It is. Not many people recognise them.
  8. ravenmoore36

    My little friend

  9. ravenmoore36

    Eating well, but not pooping as much

    My boy is unusually shedding too hes 9 now. His prob was furballs. Massaging cleared the prob i gave him spinach and sprouts they always clear him out
  10. ravenmoore36

    how to make my bun gain weight

    My guys love blue berries
  11. ravenmoore36

    Factors contributing to rabbit weight loss?

    P.s get on the critical care asap!!!
  12. ravenmoore36

    Factors contributing to rabbit weight loss?

    Iv just been in the same puzzling weight loss with my baby. A specialist found an infection via blood tests. Anti biotics and shes stable. Ask about blood tests. My baby was tested for everything under the sun and a few things that werent.
  13. ravenmoore36

    how to make my bun gain weight

    I was told by an exoctics bunny specialist.....luna has been catergorised as an long as the oats are cooked they are fine. My girl has hers boiled up in calcium free unsweetend rice milk which i allow to cool before she has them
  14. ravenmoore36

    how to make my bun gain weight

    I was told by a lagamorph specialist oats were fine in small quantities. I also note that some of the bunny treats i buy contain small portions of oats!!!!
  15. ravenmoore36

    how to make my bun gain weight

    Im having weight gain issues too. Vet told me to try cooked pulses...chickpeas lentils butterbeans. Peanut butter can disrupt the normal gut functions i was told.
  16. ravenmoore36

    I'm obsessed with taking pictures of my rabbit! Show me your bunnies too!

    He is beautiful Here are mine. Eclipse dutch dwarf and luna a cross breed.
  17. ravenmoore36

    I'm obsessed with taking pictures of my rabbit! Show me your bunnies too!

    Luna has balance and slipping on the floor issues since she had ecu niculi. So in a pound shop i found an anti slip mate intended ti be used under chopping boards on work tops. Second use she didnt have to be shown what it was for