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  1. f_j

    Penelope's spay was a success!

    AngelnSnuffy wrote: Thanks! We managed to get her to eat some Critical Care earlier, but not very much...I just tried again and she wanted nothing to do with it. I figured I should just let her rest and try again later....
  2. f_j

    Penelope's spay was a success!

    Thanks everyone! Still no eating or poops - how long before I should be worried? Nadia - Rupert got neutered in March, his surgery went great and he recovered really quickly.
  3. f_j

    Penelope's spay was a success!

    I am relieved to report that Penelope was spayed today, and she is back at home recovering! For those who don't know, this was our third attempt at getting her spayed.The first time, we lost our other baby Lola and the second time, the vet discovered she had head tilt. I didn't even post that...
  4. f_j

    Reese is Home

    That's great!! :bunnydance:
  5. f_j

    Introducing Zoie

    She is such a cutie!!! I love the markings around her eyes. That's Rupert often puts all his toys in his food dishtoo. Gotta love bunnies who clean their room!! :)
  6. f_j

    Is Baytril the best treatment for head tilt?

    Thanks so much naturestee and Haley. I honestly don't think she even knew anything was wrong with her! She's such a happy bunny and continues to binky around the living room more than ever. I'll definitely keep you guys posted...I am nervous about her spay but I also feel really good about this...
  7. f_j

    Is Baytril the best treatment for head tilt?

    Thanks Haley. She's doing well. We finished with the Baytril and she has been stable...the tilt hasn't gotten worse and sometimes we can't see it at all. She has been booked to be spayed on April 26th, assuming nothing changes. Thanks for thinking of my girl.I'm just so thankful that her head...
  8. f_j

    Need Immediate Advice! Foster With Head Tilt Coming at 10am

    Oh my gosh, she is gorgeous. She looks like my Lola :(. The poor girl, thank goodness you took her. I wish I lived close, I would take her in a second. I know you have a lot on your plate right now. I just can't believe someone could just give her up,especially with her condition. I hope the vet...
  9. f_j

    ~You're Invited~

    :bunnydance:HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLIE!! :bunnydance: from Lindsay, Penelope and Rupert (your possible long-lost relative!!)
  10. f_j

    Holly Gets Spayed April 12th

    I'll be thinking of Holly that day.I'm sure she'll be just fine. I bet she'll be like Rupertwas, and not be too phased by it at all :)
  11. f_j

    Should I get him?

    Susan - I completely agree with yourpost. I truly believe that getting a bunny from a pet storeor a breeder can be considered rescuing it from a potentially badhome. While I do plan to get my next bunny at a shelter, myfirst bunny was from a pet store and gave me 11.5 years of love, and...
  12. f_j

    Raph is going to the vet's tonight

    He'll be in my thoughts...please let us know how it goes at the vet's.
  13. f_j

    Poll: What type of litter do you use?

    I use Yesterday's News in my bunnies litter boxes.
  14. f_j

    Chance is lethargic and urinating on himself

    It must be awful seeing him suffer like this...I hope that his condition turns around soon. Poor little guy...and poor you :(
  15. f_j

    RIP Toby :(

    Oh no, I just saw this thread now. Iam so very sorry. I know this must be such a hard time foryou, please know we are all thinking about you. Again, I'msorry :(
  16. f_j

    Charlie raided the Chocolate Chip bag

    Aw, the poor little guy! At least he's eating something...I'll be thinking of him today.
  17. f_j

    Charlie raided the Chocolate Chip bag

    Oh no, I hope he's okay! It soundslike he will be, since they are taking preventative measures at thevet. Thank goodness for Misty, what a smart girl.Please keep up updated on Charlie.
  18. f_j

    Quick neutering question

    As far as I know, a male can still have activesperm for up to six weeks after he is neutered. After that, Ithink you're safe. I'm not sure if that's what youmeant...Actual recovery from the surgery is quite quick, my Rupert wasneutered in the morning and was back to his old self thatnight! Of...
  19. f_j

    Binkys Blog

    Binky is adorable! In some of thosepictures she reminds me a lot of my Lola and Penelope. She isjust gorgeous!!
  20. f_j

    I want a Mini Rex & French Lop

    Pet_Bunny wrote: Thanks!!! :)