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  1. f_j

    BunBun and Lucky are missing-BOTH FOUND!

    YAY!!!!!!!! I am SO happy that both your babies are safe!! I've been checking this thread often hoping for this news!! I'm so happy for you!!! Oh, and congrats on your pregnancy!!!
  2. f_j

    Peanuts was put to sleep today :(

    I'm so sorry. I think that when you are ready it would be great for you to get another bun. You are in my thoughts...binky free Peanuts
  3. f_j

    BunBun and Lucky are missing-BOTH FOUND!

    I'm so glad you found Lucky...I keep checking this thread, in the hopes that Bunbun has been found too. I have been thinking about this all day, it just isn't fair.
  4. f_j

    BunBun and Lucky are missing-BOTH FOUND!

    Oh no, this is just awful. I can't even imagine how scared you must be for them. Everyone here has given great suggestions. I truly hope that they come home to you safe and sound. It is so scary to think that there are people out there that take beloved pets from others. Have you definitely...
  5. f_j

    There is something wrong with my Marshmallow

    I just saw this thread now, I am so so sorry. I don't really know what to say, but you are in my thoughts. Binky free Marshmallow :tears2:
  6. f_j

    Do I need to bring her?

    I would take both. When I took Rupert to the vet last week, I made the mistake of not bringing Penelope. Rupert had always been pretty good at the vet, but he hadn't been there since he had bonded with her. Well, he was terrified without her! He was shaking and breathing rapidly, I felt...
  7. f_j


    Rupert - Rupey, Roo, Rupey-doo, Rubharb, Piglet Penelope - Penell, Pen, Sweet Pea, Baby Girl Reading this, I just realized how silly I must sound. lol
  8. f_j

    Good bye sweet Lola x

    Oh no, I am so very sorry. How awful. My bunny that I lost in January was also named Lola. Your Lola was gorgeous and I'm sorry she was taken too soon. My thoughts are with you. Binky free Lola
  9. f_j

    Misty, Charlie and Oliver's Crawl Space

    Love the new pics! They are going to make an adorable trio! I need more pics of Charlie!!!!
  10. f_j

    Eye grooming

    Yeah, what I don't understand is why the boys don't stop them from doing it?? It doesn't look like it feels very good!
  11. f_j

    Eye grooming

    Thanks Crystal! The baldness around the eyes looks kind of funny, but as long as he's healthy I'm happy!!
  12. f_j

    Caged or not?

    Mine have free run of one bedroom in our house. Their cages are there, but are always open. They used to be caged when we were in our apartment, but they seem so much happier now that they have lots of room all of the time. I know some members have bunnies that have free run of the entire...
  13. f_j

    Eye grooming

    Well, we took Rupert to the vet today to get his eye checked out. It turns out his eye is just fine - there is nothing wrong with the eye itself and though the eyelid is bald, it is nothing to worry about at this point. I'm definitely relieved! I'm trying to discourage Penelope from grooming...
  14. f_j

    Eye grooming

    Haley, did separating them help to make the eye grooming less frequent? I really would hate to separate them now...they love each other so much. And that would also mean caging them again, which wouldn't be very fair to them since they've had free run of their room for so long now.
  15. f_j

    Eye grooming

    Thanks Crystal and Nadia! I'll keep an eye on that red spot...I've been trying to discourage her from grooming that eye, but I'm sure that when I'm not here she still does it.
  16. f_j

    Rest in Peace Jules

    I'm so sorry, he was gorgeous. Do you have any idea what caused it? It sounds like he had a wonderful personality. :(
  17. f_j

    Eye grooming

    Thanks for your response. I didn't realize that it could indicate an infection in his eye. The thing is, Penelope has always had a tendency to over-groom. She did it when she was with Lola too (it was worse then because she was unspayed). Does anyone else have experience with this?
  18. f_j

    OMG Complete and utter SUCCESS!!!!!!

    Aww, those pictures are adorable! Congrats, that's awesome that things went so smoothly!!
  19. f_j


    Since I have read that so many buns on here love Craisins, I bought a package (the Ocean Spray brand). I noticed on the package it says they are sweetened (sugar added). Is this okay? Is this the type everyone here gives their rabbits as a treat? Of course, I will be giving them very...
  20. f_j

    Eye grooming

    Penelope loves to groom Rupert's eyes, and I noticed this morning that one of his eyes is bald right above the eye and has a little red spot that almost looks like it could have been bleeding. I know that I read that many RO members' bonded bunnies groom each others eyes, but is this red...