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  1. C

    New mini-lop that was given to long until he adjusts to us?

    I had the same break through. But after a while she went back to her old ways but i will definately let you know what the vet says.
  2. C

    New mini-lop that was given to long until he adjusts to us?

    Oh it gets depressing for you as well cause you just want to be able to play with them and interact with them especially the kids. I am thinking of taking her to the vet.
  3. C

    New mini-lop that was given to long until he adjusts to us?

    HI i have the same problem! I bought my mini lop from the pet shop last August she was 4 weeks old and very friendly and would let the pet shop lady hold her etc. As soon as we took her home and got her set up she became very disgruntled. And just like you i went to put some treats in her cage...