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  1. M

    NINO Update

    Thats great! I'm so glad it was benign, and its nice hes licking you, bunny licks are so special :)
  2. M


    She sounds like shes happy and settled already, I too can't wait to see her!
  3. M

    Un-litter training?

    Well Domino was pretty much litter trained the second I got him, but the last few days has been weeing.pooing everywhere, so have now had to put litter all over hiscage isntead of just in his litter box (its a wooden hutch and will just smell if he pees all over it with no litter. Is this...
  4. M

    Weigh in thread...

    Well i was curious so decided to weigh my little Tilly last night and found that she was just under 1 1/2 pound! I didn't realise how tiny she was. Unfortunately I don't have anything big enough to weight Domino on, will have to get some digi scales.
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    Opposites attract

    They're gorgeous, I especially love Skye! Good luck with the bonding, it looks like its gong well so far :)
  6. M

    updated izabelle!

    You did such a good thing by rescuing her and helping the poor little mite. She is so lucky to have you and I hope she gets back to full health soon!
  7. M

    One more lionhead (sorta) in Lionhead Land

    Hes lovely, well done for rescuing him! My dwarf lop Domino also has huge feet and also sits is a similar position, so he could be half lop :biggrin2:
  8. M

    Enclosure ideas needed!

    Oh yeah! That makes sense, thanks ellissian :)
  9. M

    Enclosure ideas needed!

    ellissian what do you mean by fire guard?
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    Calling all UK People who want NIC cages

    I would like some, but I don't have any stores near me (infact I've never heard of them!). I would love to make a playpen out them, or maybe a cage for another bun ;):D. The trouble is I don't know where the nearest ine to me is, and how far I would have to drive :grumpy:
  11. M

    show us your set up

    This is my new 4 (its just over 4 foot) by 2 foot hutch. At the mo Tilly has the top to herself and Dom has the bottom two levels. Fingers crossed that the bonding is successful they will share all three levels. They also get the run of the whole downstairs of my house for many hours a day...
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    pets at home

    I am very annoyed, I just spent 10 minutes typing a reply out only for it to not post and I have now got to type everything again. I'm personally not too impressed with the way p@h keep/treat their animals. They are not kept in big enough cages for the amount of animals (I once saw 20 syrian...
  13. M

    Morning workout with Pip

    How cute! Pip is a very gorgeous bun :)
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