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  1. T

    Funny fur!

    My 9 month old black dwarf lop is havingproblems with his fur - It's falling out in clumps. He's not going baldor anything but he just looks messy. Is he just moulting or can I give him something to stop this?:?
  2. T

    Bunyy Bonding - Part 2

    Luckly we had called him Chewie so we didn'thave to change it. They are getting on a bit better - there's still astruggle for power going on at the moment!
  3. T

    Bunyy Bonding - Part 2

    Just a quick update - I took Chewie the baby bun to the vets for her shots on Saturday and it turns out that its a boy!!!
  4. T

    Bunny bonding

    Thanks for all your advice - I'll let you know how things go!
  5. T

    Bunny bonding

    I have just brought a 9 week old female bun as afriend for my 7 month old neutered male bun. Unfortunately every time Iput them together he tries to do "the manly thing"!! Most of the timeshe puts up with it but on occasions she turns round and nips him. Doyou think this will pass as I'm not...
  6. T

    Litter training

    My 6 month old neutered bun, pees in his tray but still poosoutside it - what am I doing wrong???
  7. T

    He needs a friend!

    Hi, I have a 6 month old dwarf lop who is as cuteand lovely as can be, I'm a little worried that he's lonely during theday so I want to get him a friend, I was thinking about a Ginea pig, isthis wise or should I consider another bunny?:?