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  1. P

    Any clue what breed?

    Thanks for everyone's thoughts this is one goodwebsite.....who would have known looking through the RABBIT USAmagazine that this website would be really really legite. Imight have spelt that wrong sorry for all of those who read it.....
  2. P

    Basic Questions on Variety of stuff.......

    Was wondering if any of you know: what is the most excellent part of the house to put a bunny? what temperature range could they tolerate? is it really important to neuter a male bunny? ifyes, when is the window of opportunity??? Just some questions from your own experience...... and...
  3. P

    Any clue what breed?

    i am sorry husband justcorrected me and said that he is more like 1 to 2 pounds. is that about right for a 3months for a dwarf???
  4. P

    Any clue what breed?

    about 1/2 to 1/4 pound.... lissa says that it seems he has too big of an ear to be a dwarf what do you think Pam??? is sable the to the rabbit thing
  5. P

    Any clue what breed?

    i am not quite sure maybe like 1/4 to 1/2 a pound. hereis another pix
  6. P

    Any clue what breed?

    they say about 3months
  7. P

    Any clue what breed?

    here is an upclose pix of his face
  8. P

    Any clue what breed?

    I have included a pix of the bunny we just got and was wondering if anyone knew what exactly he was???? All they could tell us was that he was a dwarf. Would gladly appreciate it if anyone could help.