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  1. J

    Bunnies fighting

    Zuppa thank you so much. You have a wealth of rabbit knowledge! We bought the sister's on gumtree from a lady who had had 3 litters. She didn't mention anything about this unfortunately. I am hoping we can help them to bond as my children have one bunny each and it would be so hard to see them...
  2. J

    Bunnies fighting

    Thanks...I read you shouldn't get them desexed until 6 months old? So this could continue until then???
  3. J

    Bunnies fighting

    We have two 12 week old sisters who have been loving and sharing their space happily for the past 3 weeks. Yesterday the bigger size bunny has been biting and chasing her sister. Neither appear unwell so not sure what is going on. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.