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  1. TheBuns

    Sophie left for the rainbow bridge

    Im sorry for your loss 😞
  2. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    Yes, you should try it out I say it’s pretty good from the looks of it. I called yesterday and they explained what it’s all about. Vet was getting pricey know that i have two even more. Hopefully this will help!
  3. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    What if I wanted an X-ray for her will they cover or urinalysis? Vet sucks(half job) i guess you can say so I’m going to suggest that. There are no other decent vets around here. Will it cover if it’s connected to the problem she has? It was pre-existing but not diagnosed.
  4. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    Nice really only 15 per month I have to pay 35? The person on the phone told me about they don’t cover for pre existing illnesses but my rabbit hasn’t even got diagnosed with the three vet visits I had made for her. I wish they would cover it because I don’t know what’s wrong with her. Reason...
  5. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    That was the one I just signed up for right now. So how does it work do you give the insurance to your vet and the vet knows what to do?
  6. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    I called a pet insurance and your right they don’t cover pre-existing conditions kind of bummed out LOL. I signed up for a pet insurance just now.
  7. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    I’ll give it a try it seems pretty good. Also sorry for your loss:( If i have two rabbits how’s that work? How did you find your insurance did you just ask the vet? Thanks for the information and response!
  8. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    Is pet insurance worth it? Does it pay a good amount of the expenses? How much per month? (Just noticed my post was posted twice have no idea why.)
  9. TheBuns

    Pet insurance?

    Is pet insurance worth it? Does it pay a good amount of the expenses? How much per month?
  10. TheBuns

    Keeping Bunnies Cool In Summer?

    I use the frozen water bottles too and tiles I’ll stick a few in the freezer. :) you can maybe get a cheap air conditioner. The cheaper you go probably not as great though.
  11. TheBuns

    Spaying side effects?

    Did it happened when you dog was asleep or sitting/resting? This happened to my rabbit during those times.
  12. TheBuns

    Spaying side effects?

    @nicolekline97 Yes, I was thinking like what could it be cause all this she’s been to the vet 3 times going to be the 4th. Maybe it is that. @Nancy McClelland Aww:(what did the vet do about it? Did it go back to normal? I’m going to bring this up to my vet.
  13. TheBuns

    Spaying side effects?

    @Mac189 She was spayed at nine months. She just turned 1 years old.
  14. TheBuns

    Spaying side effects?

    I’m just curious can there be side effect after spaying a rabbit even after months? My bun is already spayed but I’m starting to think maybe the cause of all the dripping urine can be connected to that.
  15. TheBuns

    Urine dribbling

    Hello, My bun still has the same problem with her pee dribbling out her litter box. This usually happens when she is in the same position for a long time sleeping or sitting. I have not seen any urine sludge at all but only the dribbling. She’s been taking potassium citrate for I think two...
  16. TheBuns

    when do i sign up for a vet?

    Great! That’s very good! 😃
  17. TheBuns

    Potassium citrate.

    I might have to go to the bad reviewed vet to get another opinion \_{•-•}_/
  18. TheBuns

    Potassium citrate.

    I know I’ve been posting about the same thing over but I went to the vet 3 days ago was given potassium citrate for my bun because she been having sludge but from sludge it went to super dark spotting of pee. How long would it take to work? I’m asking because she still spotting in places she...
  19. TheBuns

    when do i sign up for a vet?

    You can just call the vet to make an appointment and they’ll set you up for your bun. What I did I called every vet where I live and choose the best one that had most experience with buns and read there reviews. Good luck :)
  20. TheBuns

    Messy nose

    If you got some other hay I think I has to be that glad you’re getting him his hay back :)