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  1. T

    Orphaned Babies

    Lisa--thanks for the kind words. I did hear back from the lady (Tamara) last night. She said that all 3 are doing well. She said they all seem to be responding well to the formula. Petkeeper--The neighbor saw the mother, who ran into my yard with my dog and was killed. (She didn't realize...
  2. T

    Officially Introducing Myself

    Hello all! Just wanted to officially introduce myself. I stumbled across the site last night seeking advice on a nest of tiny orphaned bunnies. This seems like a great site, so I think I'll stick around for a while. I do not currently have any bunnies, but I was previously owned by 3...
  3. T

    Orphaned Babies

    Just wanted to come back and give an update. This afternoon I delivered these 3 babies to the rabbit expert with AL Mammal Rescue. (She is also an active member of AL Ears, the local rescue.) She checked them out quickly and said that she estimated them to only be 2-3 days old. :cry4...
  4. T

    Orphaned Babies

    I am sorry...I realize I posted this in the wrong section and started another thread. They are small, but do not look like 'newborns'. Their eyes were not open. They will be going to AL Small Mammal Rescue in the morning...
  5. T

    Orphaned Babies

    When she initially went to get the mower, she saw a rabbit, which I am assuming is the mother, run into my yard...with my dog. It was grayish brown, just like all the others that tend to live around here. I got in touch with the organization that handles wild mammal rescue for the area and...
  6. T

    Orphaned Babies

    Hello...I realize that I just posted this in the wrong section, so I'm going to try again. Hello. I just joined the site looking for some advice. My neighbor just discovered a nest(?) of baby rabbits while mowing her grass. I have called our local mammal rescue and I left a message, but per...