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  1. M

    Feline Hairball Medicine for Buns?

    Thank you so much! I'm looking around for the Oxbow Papaya Fruit Plusto see if I can get it locally - looks like I'll have to buy it online. Silly question maybe, but can rabbits safely eat the stem of the fresh pineapple? I was just reading that's where all the enzymes comes from.
  2. M

    Feline Hairball Medicine for Buns?

    MiniLopHop wrote: I read somewhere that if it has petroleum in it, it can certainly do that. The lubrication used in this is veg oil. He's got a hearty appetite, and drinking normally - and is in the best of spirits.. Not mopey like he was. Poops are coming out fine, just a little glossy...
  3. M

    Feline Hairball Medicine for Buns?

    Hi All, I am experiencing my bun's molting for the first time. We're at the end now, butBOY was I a nervous wreck seeing those strings of pearls!I can't believe how thick some of them were! I started giving him GNC Malt flavored cat hairball medicine. These are the ingredients: Vegetable Oil...
  4. M


    Thanks, all!! He is a beauty! You can't tell, but he has auburn hair on the ends of his 'moostache'. He was the only survior in his litter, I am told. He really is a Lion King - and he sure is treated like one! I can't wait to peruse the forum when I get out of work and see all your...
  5. M


    Hi! My name is Angie and I am the proud servant of Moofasa, my Lion Head/Dwarf bun and Chachi, the fearless Chinchilla! Moofasa is approximately 1.5 - 2 years old. I took him in March 2012. He is the sweetest little guy. He just LOVES love! He loves being pet and massaged constantly. I get the...