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  1. N

    Help! Frustrated! At wits end!

    I know my posting was quite long, but I'd appreciate it if whoever responds to it actually takes the time to read it. Yes he is neutered. I got him neutered in January which corrected a lot of problems I was having then. I said all of this above.
  2. N

    Help! Frustrated! At wits end!

    So I was on here before when I first got my French Lop, Nibbles. I haven't been on in months or months, though. Sorry guys, I'm just not much of the forum type. But I am here, when I am, because I have issues with my rabbit, and rather than give up on him and "get rid of" him, I am trying to...
  3. N

    Ordering food online

    I haven't been able to find very much of a variety or that great of products at the pet stores here. For those of you who order pellets and hay over the internet, what websites do you use?
  4. N

    Litter boxes with grates

    In an effort to keep my bunny and his cage clean (yes, I know this is probably close to impossible), I went to the pet store yesterday and bought some items that attach to the cage, so that he can knock over his food or get poop in it, and the hay doesn't go everywhere. Well I also bought one of...
  5. N

    Other than water ....

    Beware! The rabbit I had years ago got sick one time and was dehydrated. He wasn't really drinking much, so the vet said to give him watered down gatorade. We did, but he never went back from that. He absolutely refused to drink water. So beware. Unless you need to give your rabbit...
  6. N

    Plastic Water Bottle Question

    This hadn't really occurred to me until just now and came in my mind out of nowhere. Has anyone heard of water bottles, the kind you buy in the store for drinking water for yourself, causing cancer? I have. It's something about the plastic releasing toxins into the water when heated up by...
  7. N

    Major litter box problem

    Victoria, I think that is why he does it, because he thinks it's his space. I don't know how to change that without moving his cage which is not an option right now. And no it does not smell having him next to my bed. Nibbles doesn't have any bedding in his cage, just his litter box. I...
  8. N

    Major litter box problem

    Ok guys. Putting a flattened cardboard box down did not help at all!!! :cry1: He still pooped and peed all over it. I am willing to to get him neutered as I thought I might need to for behavioral issues, but I can't for at least the next few weeks because I'm working and then studying like...
  9. N

    Major litter box problem

    Thanks guys. Great ideas I didn't think of. I'll just put a flattened cardboard box down and see if that does the trick. Hopefully it will. Regarding the basset tonyshuman, they are the most stubborn breed of dog, so be prepared to train one. Mine doesn't listen to a thing I say, and...
  10. N

    Major litter box problem

    As some of you know, I just got Nibbles a little over a week ago. I am litter box training him, and I must say he's been an exceptional bunny up until now. Nibbles is free to have the run of the house most hours of the day. He was not going to the bathroom anywhere in the house at all but in his...
  11. N

    Few Questions

    Hi, new here. I just got a junior french lop buck yesterday at the State Fair. We named him Nibbles. I've done lots of reading on bunnies and had one when I was a kid, but I still have some questions, of course, so if you can help with any of them, I would appreciate your input. 1. I'm training...
  12. N here.

    Just thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Michelle, and I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado for the moment. Yesterday I got a junior french lop buck at the State Fair. We named him Nibbles. I thought it would be helpful to join the forum to ask my questions and help others with their...