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  1. Chickenlittle586

    "Puppie puffs

    HAHA! my daughter attempts to make a snack out of them too!
  2. Chickenlittle586

    I Was Just Visited By The SPCA :(

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I had animalcontrol called on me 3 times by one of my idiot neighbors. My rabbitsare indoor rabbits, but while i'm cleaning our their cages realwell..........disasselbeling everything and all..........and i'm notable to supervise them, i put them in a hutch in the...
  3. Chickenlittle586

    The Dead Bunny Flop-Part 1(Now Closed)

    Thisis Cadbury relaxing next to Patches. I don't know why he lays like thatsometimes but i think it's sure darn cute =)
  4. Chickenlittle586


    Hello good morning everyone! I was justwondering, does this forum have a myspace account? IwouldLOVE to add it to my friends list. Maybe someone canmake one if there isn't one? I was just wondering.............i figuredsome other members might be interested in knowing also.=)
  5. Chickenlittle586


    Well, i hope someone can give you an answer.............because as for me........i'm stumped. Have a good night though and let me know if you figure out what it is!
  6. Chickenlittle586


    do they by chance look anything like my buns eyes?? He's a REW mini rex
  7. Chickenlittle586

    Favorite Hiding Spots?

    under the blankets of course!
  8. Chickenlittle586

    You're invading my personal bubble. . .

    i'd say this is a little too close :shock:
  9. Chickenlittle586

    Disapproving Rabbits

    get any closer and i'll bite you in the nose!!!!!!!!
  10. Chickenlittle586

    Bunny Friendships

    Patches and Cadbury
  11. Chickenlittle586


    Hey again! Ifinally got pics up of all my buns! They're not on here though. I putthem on my myspace account so if anyone wants to take a peek please goright ahead!
  12. Chickenlittle586

    kaytee kay-kob

    actually no i'm not going to be throwing the corn bedding away......i'll just use it for the bottom of my bird cage.Just thought i'd let you all know.
  13. Chickenlittle586

    kaytee kay-kob

    Thank you very much for all of your advice! I have caught two of my buns deciding to make a snack out of the corn stuff, so i will be ditching that VERY soon. JimD thank you very much for the locations of those companies. How much would the pellets be that you get for your buns?
  14. Chickenlittle586

    kaytee kay-kob

    Thanks. Well, i think i will give the kaytee stuff a try and do what you suggested. I hope it works out for me! If not then i'm sure i'll find what works for my buns and me eventually. Also..........I LOVE walmart.....they have A LOT of items there that you can use for your buns and they're safe...
  15. Chickenlittle586

    kaytee kay-kob

    Thanks for the reply! Even though your rabbits ate was the odor control? Yes, it is made from crushed corn. If the odor control worked well, maybe i'll try it and if my buns decide to make it into a snack then i'll just have to go for the aspen! Thanks again for your reply!
  16. Chickenlittle586

    presenting......TIC TAC

    can you say ADORABLE!!!!!!!! :bunnydance:
  17. Chickenlittle586

    kaytee kay-kob

    Hey everyone. I've been trying to find those wood pellets for my rabbits litter boxes but i just can't find them ANYWHERE! it's driving me nuts. Also i'm in a money situation right now and the petsmart near me sells the kaytee kaykob bedding/litter in 40 lb bad sizes and i was just wondering if...
  18. Chickenlittle586


    Hey, sorry it took me so long to get back. Ihad the box marked to e-mail me when i get responses, but for somereason i never got them. Anywho, I have 10 rabbits. A red eyed whitemini rex buck that i'm trying to still think of a namefor.......suggestions would be wonderful. A brown dutch doe who...
  19. Chickenlittle586

    ~You're Invited~

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!:bunnydance::colors::elephant::toastingbuns:airborne:
  20. Chickenlittle586

    kung foo rabbit

    that's very cute :)