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  1. Chickenlittle586

    Lionhead Lovers List

    Awww .....I'm sorry about your loss. Yes, he is VERY adorable!
  2. Chickenlittle586

    Lionhead Lovers List

    well, that sure came out kinda funny now didn't it?
  3. Chickenlittle586

    cute overload/ bunny police!
  4. Chickenlittle586


    Here's my otter satin doe Mrs.Bunny. This is thebest pic i could get of her seeing as how she refuses to sit still formore than like 3 seconds.
  5. Chickenlittle586

    Hypnotic hotots!

    Here's my bun Oreo!
  6. Chickenlittle586

    Lionhead Lovers List

    Here's Ginger!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Chickenlittle586

    name this babe!

    Wow, all those names are so adorable! Potter is a big possibility!
  8. Chickenlittle586

    Harlequin Hoopla

    Here is Patches. He is some kind of mix. He has a little harlequin in him though.
  9. Chickenlittle586

    Broken Ain't Boring!!!

    Here is my mini rex/satin mix. Her name is binky
  10. Chickenlittle586

    Wonderful Whites

    Here is my rew mini rex buck, i got him at the michigan state fair last year........still can't figure out a name for him.
  11. Chickenlittle586

    name this babe!

    and mom
  12. Chickenlittle586

    name this babe!

    The mom is pretty much the same color as a wild rabbit. She omestic though of course otherwise there wouldn't be any babies:D. The dad is a rew mini rex. How the baby ended up looking this way.........i have no clue. here is a pic of the dad
  13. Chickenlittle586

    name this babe!

    oh and in case you're wondering what that is in the background of the picture it's celery with peanut butter. I like my veggies too :)
  14. Chickenlittle586

    name this babe!

    here's another pic. The baby has a white marking on the forehead and a little itty bitty white spot on its nose.
  15. Chickenlittle586

    name this babe!

    I have a 1-2 week old baby bun. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl but when i try to sex it so far it looks like a girl. The mom is some kind of dwarf mix......i found her so i don't really know much about her genetic history. The dad is a mini rex.Here's a picture! Any names you can think of...
  16. Chickenlittle586

    Rename Poll

    what about pumpernickel.....i'm not sure how to spell that and i know i spelled it wrong for sure.
  17. Chickenlittle586

    Dig those Dutch!

    Here is my spoiled little doe named Dutchess.
  18. Chickenlittle586

    How old was your oldest rabbit when it died?

    My rabbit Fluffy (my first rabbit that i "stole"from a friend who was abusing and neglecting the poor girl) lived to be about 9 years old. She was some type of dwarf mix. She was the best bunny i ever had
  19. Chickenlittle586

    NIC Cages Only-Now Closed

    Heyeveryone. Wow you all made some pretty awesome cages! I built my firstNIC today and i feel pretty darn proud :bunnydance:. Your cages gave mesome great ideas........i just need to figure out how i want to dothem. I'll put pictures up soon once i feel i've finally finished it! Alicia
  20. Chickenlittle586

    What is your age?

    I'm 21 :bunnydance: