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  1. AngelnSnuffy

    rabbit eating fine but no poos or pees overnight!

    If you can get some plain canned pumpkin to give, that would be a good idea as well. Are the poos normal shape or mishapen?Normally, if there's a blockage, there is no poop at all. This sounds hopeful:). (Usually too, the mushy poos happen under stress of being moved, which you're not having, so...
  2. AngelnSnuffy

    Sneezing -- no discharge.

    Denise, I just wanted to pipe in since there haven't been many responses;). Pasturella CAN be cured and almost always sucessfully w/ the antibiotics Maureen has mentioned. Zithromax is a fav as the bacteria don'toften becomeimmune. (The vet will test the discharge to determine an infection.)...
  3. AngelnSnuffy

    I think Riza may be peeing on herself?

    Rabbit Hero wrote: That might help. Just rinse the pee off when she does it as soon as possible. You can put her bottom first in bathroom sink. Holding her w/ one arm and run some warm water on the area, wrap in towel get as dry as possible. It's amazing how fast the hair burns off.:shock: I...
  4. AngelnSnuffy

    specific bonding question....

    I don't know, I wouldn't trust that. I was trying to bond Snuff and Ang and they got on fine many times outside in the pen during supervision. One day, boom, Ang started it too, she tried to groom him a couple times, mostly that wasn't seen, he certainly wouldn't, then a fight.:expressionless...
  5. AngelnSnuffy

    I think Riza may be peeing on herself?

    It could be an infection that is causing her to pee herself. Bladder infection (UTI). She's eating fine, pooping fine? Can u tell color of the pee when it's on the flooring? Does it look clearish?Atest would be needed to indicate an infection, if so, antibiotics are prescribed. You may want to...
  6. AngelnSnuffy

    Three little monsters- Belle, Necro and Bailey

    Congrats on Bailey! Gorgeous! I love all the pics, they're great, gorg buns as always, thanks for posting those!:D
  7. AngelnSnuffy

    Rescued an injured seagull today!

    ChandieLee wrote: :D Glad to hear all is well, give that Belle Princess a kiss from me! I'll check out the pics!;)
  8. AngelnSnuffy


    I am so very sorry. I don't know what to say, other than I know how bad it hurts. There's no description. Hugs and love and I'm so very sorry. RIP MILU :rainbow::pink iris: And Viv? I also want to add that your feelings of should've would've are so completely normal, I had them as well...
  9. AngelnSnuffy

    3rd eyelid

    That is awesome news! Thanks for the huge update. Yeah, Snuff that I have now has cataracts in both eyes. No further consequences.. I know Glaucoma is one of them... My first bun had the Prolapse, then the diagnosis of chf.:?
  10. AngelnSnuffy

    Carrot tops

    I heard this mentioned a long time ago. Some of you do this, go to grocery store, and request chopped off carrot tops from the produce section? Hubby goes for me on his way home and always sees just the packaged long carrots. So, do most stores chop the tops off and toss away? I told him to ask...
  11. AngelnSnuffy

    New To Bunny Diets.

    Oh, and as a wonderful "treat" for them, not sure if you've heard about giving them Craisens? They freakin LOVE THEM!!:D Just a few at a time though, b/c of the sugar.;)
  12. AngelnSnuffy

    What does it mean when he digs at me? and crazy head shaking?

    Head shaking is basically a non binky, ha.:P Biting and nipping are playing also, but they're way!:X I'm wearing a sweatshirt right now that my first bun nipped at a bunch of times, he did that to me all the time when I held him, esp, he didn't like being held.:D:(
  13. AngelnSnuffy

    fresh fruits and veggies?

    Flick wrote: I love this vid! Great job!:thumbup
  14. AngelnSnuffy

    Feeding Frozen Veggies?

    I've never heard of any rabbit owner freezing greens or any veggies. I would not do that.;)
  15. AngelnSnuffy

    What does it mean when he digs at me? and crazy head shaking?

    He's not that old, is he?:P Sounds like normal youngster and/or hormonal behavior!:) Welcome to the bunny world!:biggrin:
  16. AngelnSnuffy

    Flea Treatments

    The kitten version of Advantage for rabbits is recommended. Yes.;) I wouldn't recommend to keep reapplying due to the outdoor cat though, eventually, they could be toxic...I would avoid the outdoor cat. You can also use a half dose of the regular Advantage on the bun.
  17. AngelnSnuffy

    Sneezing bunny

    Glad there was no infection! Best of luck w/ using the humidifier. That does sound like a good idea. Keep us posted!;)
  18. AngelnSnuffy

    3rd eyelid

    Thanks for that warning, Claire. Yeah, since it's coming from the other end of the eye, it's not a prolapse of third eyelid. Possibly, the corneal occlusion. Needs to be seen by a rabbit savvy vet, asap. Let me look up some info about it.
  19. AngelnSnuffy

    New To Bunny Diets.

    MaddysRabbits wrote: Just search the Library if you're not sure or just ask!:biggrin:
  20. AngelnSnuffy

    New To Bunny Diets.

    Sounds like ur doing everything right, but I'm not sure when it comes to the piggies.;)But for buns, yes, sounds like u did ur homework.:D