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  1. AngelnSnuffy

    HRS Podcast

    I have to say that I respect all the responses!:D That's just what is needed for a topic of this manner. Thanks all!;)
  2. AngelnSnuffy


    Do you have to use bedding? I would eliminate that if possible. Then, see what happens, if there is still some sneezing, then look at hay/pellets. One thing we do, is at the end of a pellet bag, I've been known to sift the remaining pellets to eliminate dust.
  3. AngelnSnuffy

    HRS Podcast

    Yes, I'm taking it from all stances as well. Thank you Sophie!;) I love your input on it all!:D
  4. AngelnSnuffy


    If there is NO discharge, he could have allergies to something. Dust in the hay/pellets/litter. It's hard to distinquish.
  5. AngelnSnuffy

    caramel's sneezing issue

    Ya know what, Snuff prefers the Orchard Grass Hay too and he's not sneezed near as much.:)
  6. AngelnSnuffy

    HRS Podcast

    Nope, not presumptive. Lots of good info! This is not knocking any ones set ups, just providing information and possible great ideas.;)
  7. AngelnSnuffy

    American Sable anybody?

    mypia07 wrote: Use Bucket and the size needs to be no larger than 640X480.;)
  8. AngelnSnuffy

    HRS Podcast
  9. AngelnSnuffy

    bit of blood on spay line

    That's great Brandy! Yay Becky!:D
  10. AngelnSnuffy

    alfalfa sprouts?

    Not sure if you've seen this from our Library here:
  11. AngelnSnuffy

    Sherry baby

    Pipp wrote: I'm so sorry Sas, what an awesome bunner she was. I just wanted to say to try not to beat urself up, I know it's our instinct to do so, I did the same w/ Angel and you all helped me along. We can't do everything perfectly every time... Hugs my dear. Binkie free sweet Sherry...
  12. AngelnSnuffy


    MiniLopHop wrote You should get to practicing so you can participate in the Photo Phile contests we do all the time for holidays!:biggrin: Becky needs to win a contest, lol!:)
  13. AngelnSnuffy

    American Sable anybody?

    mypia07 wrote: Hmm, are u using photobucket to upload from? the pic can't exceed a certain size. That could be the problem.:(
  14. AngelnSnuffy

    Young Rabbit With Head Tilt

    How cute is he?! I don't have any experience w/ tilt. The treatment should be ongoing for his lifetime. Let us know what the vet says. I'll send a message to another Mod that does have major experience w/ tilt.:)
  15. AngelnSnuffy

    caramel's sneezing issue

    It's possible that it's an allergy to something as well. If you're not seeing any discharge.
  16. AngelnSnuffy

    Cherry Eyes in Rabbit

    The cherry eyes will protrude when the bun is moving around more or stressed. The vet didn't prescribe an eyedrop at all? Not sure it does any good, in my experience, my first rabbit had these, but I think as he was later diagnosed w/ Congestive Heart Failure, the cherry eye was the onset...
  17. AngelnSnuffy

    Rifampicin as a medication

    Keep in contact w/ Randy. I hope for the very best for Parsley;).
  18. AngelnSnuffy

    Rifampicin as a medication

    osteomyelitis with Staff aureus Randy?
  19. AngelnSnuffy

    Rifampicin as a medication

    Welcome to the forum! What's going on? Can we help? Zithromax is a great drug, but what is it being used for? and combined w/?
  20. AngelnSnuffy

    E. cuniculi (Encephalitozoon)