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  1. B

    Taz update:

    Well, think of it this way. If you broke your leg, you would need to be taken to the hospital. Odds are, if you didn't go, things wouldn't heal properly, you'd be in a lot of pain and would have a complicated life down the road. Your bunny might be acting okay, but bunnies are very good at...
  2. B

    Bonded buns and a new bun!

    Thanks! I figured I would have to wait but I wasn't sure because he's so little. Right now, they are stacked on top of each other. But I take him out and have him on my lap so they can see him but not get to him. I know they know he's there because they have been a little out of sorts lately...
  3. B

    Bonded buns and a new bun!

    I decided to post on here to see if maybe I could get some answers. I have 2 spayed and bonded female Mini Lops that I got in....maybe June '12. They are a little over a year old and were bonded before I got them. The other day, my friend was telling me about someone she knew that had baby...